Do I love her?

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Mikasa's POV

I saw when Eren broke the ice crystal and I also saw when the ice around it was breaking. I also saw Annie falling as I went over to catch her gently. She was surprisingly super light, her face up close was really different to see then from far away. Her hair was mesmerizing like the shining sun. Her cheeks were so soft and I don't know why but, I feel like I have feelings for her. I can't quite explain it but, it's like I have never worried or cared about someone this much before.....not even with Eren who I had confused feelings for before.

What is this that I am feeling before? I have heard Armin talking about it but, I am not completely sure if that is what it is. If what Armin told me before about love was the truth.....then is this what I feel about her? How can I feel this for someone who.....lied, betrayed, and manipulated all of us but most of all me. We have had a few talks before we went on that mission and before she trapped herself in the Ice Crystal.

Now that I think about it more, she did leave me a few clues on some of those talks. I also remember the strange things that she would say sometimes when we were talking. I didn't think much about it back then because I thought that it was nothing and maybe that she was the one who knew about the female titan. It turns out that she was trying to either warn me or tell me that she was the one and not to get too close to her.

It is completely clear now because she was trying to protect me, which for some reason I don't know why.  I do know though however that I will do everything in power to help her and to not let the others to be too aggressive with her. They might still be bitter but, I am not.....though one thing is seriously bothering me. I don't know why I care about her so much, if it's just because of our talks and I saw her as a friend  or is it because I grew fond of her and didn't have feelings for her like a friend but, as something more. Do I have feelings for Annie? Are they just friendship feelings or something more?

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