New Beginnings

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This fic is based off the events that occurred in the TV Show version of Shadowhunters, so I advise those who haven't watched it to stream because their may be some spoilers!! Other than that enjoy reading, give feedback, and don't forget to comment :)

Also; welcome to my first fic on wattpad!

Alec Lightwood woke up to the fresh smell of waffles Saturday morning.

The sun rose through the curtain window's, illuminating the room, hurting his sleepy eyes for only a brief moment.

He got a of bed and went to the dresser, rummaging through to find clothes. Not caring to remember getting a shirt, the remnants of the other discarded clothes as images from last night occurred like a picture book through his head.

It was a simple memory. Alec had a double shift as the new Inquisitor, came home to find Magnus half naked, and so the story goes as most of you would imagine.

To mention this for a little backstory, Alec was the Inquisitor of Alicante, and with this job came a great deal of responsibility because the fate of each Institute around Idris was in his hands, and so were the people.

Alec dealt with the usual downworlder issues, leading hunts, reporting back to the clave (which he heavily disagreed with time to time because the clave were simply assholes) missions, and the main thing, keeping his warlock boyfriend, well, now newly wedded husband, Magnus Bane, at bay.

Magnus Bane, worked from home, as the High Warlock of Alicante, it had its own demanding problems.

Sure, handling pestering clients and keeping all the warlocks at peace from smiting each other into oblivion's hard but Magnus admitted it felt nice just getting to be home even if for a day, with Alec.

The two rarely ever had time to spend with each other, let alone their friends, if all weren't dead by now. Hell, the last real date they shared was before the Mortal War happened. It's been eight months since. The horrid memories of the war still left a fresh mark on the shadow hunting realm.

Alec wanted to plan something special for Magnus on no occasion, just to spend the the time that was lost, and today was one of the rare occasions both were off work.

It's not like being married didn't have it's own issues though. The couple occasionally had their arguments and differences, sometimes over small thing like space and inviting company over.

Jace had explained it as "man on man inferno" whatever the hell that meant, Jace always came up with stupid stuff like that, but Alec was for sure certain it was because of their blood.

Angel blood and demon blood, or so people say, never mixed. Which is the truth for obvious reasons, but somehow, to this day Alec was still astonished by the fact that they were able to overcome their differences of two different worlds, and eventually marry after what went on with Asmodeus and Lydia. Two people he didn't like to ever bring up, it was nice for party conversations though.

A warlock and a shadow hunter found love in a hopeless place.Truthfully, ask anyone, the two were in love. Alec couldn't think of more words to describe being totally crazy for someone.

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