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When Magnus returned home from his travels, his phone chimed with a text message from Alec saying he was going to be spending the week over at the institute with Jace. Which, lets be honest, was great. It gave him time to think about the elixir and some time to think about feelings on the whole situation.

Magnus knew it's a cowardly thing to do, to shy away from the truth and leave Alec in the dust, chasing after him searching for answers. It wasn't the way he should be treating the love of his life.

Keeping secrets definitely shouldn't have been on the list of things to worry about. They've been through this in their relationship already. Gosh, it was crazy how bad he wanted to be honest with Alec, to sit down and share his own feelings, talk about what was bothering him, about everything, but something was holding him back.

Was he just stupid? Was he not comfortable with Alec as much as he thought he was?

Magnus didn't want that for them, no one should want secrets and uncertainty too ruin a relationship. They were both in the wrong here. He just never had the time to properly tell Alec, and now that he was spending the week with Jace, it was already too late. He couldn't just call and say, "Hey babe, I'm pregnant with your kid, can you come home?"

So instead he made a deadline.

Next week.

He'd promised to tell Alec next week, at least when things between them calmed down.

Alec needed some time alone, it wasn't as if seeing Magnus was going to just magically throw all of his problems away. It was simply because Magnus thought he was the problem, and vice versa, as naive as that sounds.

Catrina and the crew back at the hospital were still trying to figure out the cause of why he was able to get pregnant. So far, nothing came up but a bunch of hysteria. If the angels cared enough, you'd think they'd be helping in this situation, but they didn't seem to offer much help in the first place.

For As long as he lived, the angels never gave a crap about anything in his life, probably because he himself was an "abomination" but maybe, just this once, he could pray and get some answers. There had to be a reason why his life turned upside down for the worst.

There was a reason for everything, right?

Nothing made sense anymore. Why was he pregnant, why were things so bad between him and Alec, why did he feel so trapped, so forced? Why did he go back to square one, just as he did when he first met Alec? Why did Alec think Magnus didn't worry about him? Why couldn't he just man up and tell him the truth? Why did he have to keep these secrets and lie straight to Alec that everything was ok when they weren't? Why did he fake those smiles? Why did he fear losing Alec again?

The text message he abruptly got said otherwise. It was from an unknown person, with a number Magnus didn't recognize or have on his contacts.

Unknown Contact:

I know your secret.

Magnus typed back quickly.

Who is this? What secret?

Unknown Contact: Ohh cut the crap, everyone knows your knocked up with the shadowhunters kid, no need to lie anymore about it, you might as well come clean.

Magnus froze. How... how did someone find out about it?

The only ever person he told was Catrina, and she obviously told Elis but.. Elis could never. He would never, unless his instincts were right about him being untrustworthy. He knew that weird vibe he gave said otherwise. What if he worked for the clave and he was in kahoots and speaking to a council member?

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