An Unexpected Morning

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The color was green, almost brownish, with a pale undertint. Their were lumps.. actual lumps floating around in the water, swimming with what was left of Magnus's breakfast. Magnus coughed, flushing it down the toilet and rested his head on the baseboards of the floor, feeling besides himself. He curled up into a ball, not caring how cold the linoleum felt against his aching, pale skin.

Warlocks never got sick like this.

At least, from what he knew. Of course warlocks caught common colds, but not flu's or just felt terrible. They had spells for that, but sadly, he kept his spell book locked away in his safe, and no spell could heal the burning pain he felt right now.

It was like it was on the inside of him, like something was trying to crawl out from underneath his skin. What was in the food he made yesterday? The last thing he wanted was for Alec to come home and see him like this, runny nose and all.

He'd worry too much, going into his usual care mode and insist to take off work for a week just to be with him. While that was sweet and all, Magnus didn't want to disrupt him from his job. Even missing a day, would leave Alec with so much unwanted stress.

So to try and see what the issue was, Magnus visited every warlock in the city he knew, some he didn't know, and to his bad luck there were no spells for healing whatever the hell he had. Say it was the flu, but where could he have caught it from? And why was he just getting those symptoms now?

When all hope seemed lost, he went to his good warlock friend Catarina Loss, a nurse in New York, who could hopefully help with whatever situation he was in.

If anything, he could trust her.

"Magnus! It's so good to see you! What brings you here?"

Magnus, at the front desk of the hospital, met the dark eyes and dark skin of his friend. Catarina wore her usual attire, blue slacks and white tennis shoes, hair pulled up into a tight bun, and with her human form, came aged gray streaks in her hair. She gave him a warm smile from behind the desk while other nurses came and go, tending to patients and visitors.

Catrina always had a knack for helping others.

"It's great seeing you, Cat."

Catarina's smile still kept its place.

"What are you here for? I know it's not just to see me. Oh- let me guess! Something happened at your new apartment and you need stronger wards, or would you like to see Madzie again? Gosh, that kid loves you, a little more of Alec though." She grinned.

"Alec's a charmer, that boy, how is he?"

At the mention of his own husband Magnus thought back to early yesterday morning.

"Alexander? He's doing well, really a pro at his new job, and a pro at his new husband thing. He does quite well considering he's with me."

"Still carrying around that "newly married" card I see? I'm joking, but I'm glad to see you so happy."

He loudly coughed, unintentionally, and cleared his dry, achy throat. Catarina's smile faltered and she studied his face carefully for a good minute or two.

"Magnus, are you sick?"

"That's the thing Catarina, I'm not sure. I was eating this morning like always, when I just felt the sudden urge to throw up, so I did, and I never felt so much pain in my life."

"And so the story goes, I tried looking for spells and warlocks around to help but nothing worked, so I thought of you, and I figured maybe you could help and well, here I am."

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