Chapter 12

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I'm back after how long? I have no idea but it's been a long LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG long time. I'm really sorry I've been gone so long, I had more medical problem and after that life was pretty hectic cause I had to switch to home school and I've finally gone back to public school this year and I'm trying to get sued to normal again. I'm going to have a lot more time to write this summer but I'm going  to try to update as frequently from here on out as possible but I'm not really interested in this story anymore. I WILL finish it though, I should finish it by this year actually. I hope anyway. 

Your POV

You walked through the gates and up into the castle, Finn led you through the winding hallways and up stairs till you reached PB's lab

Finn opened the door

"Hey pb, were did you put F/n?" Finn asked 

"Oh, hi Finn, Y/n." she said looking at each of you

"I didnt really have a good place to put her so I ended up moved her in with the female banana guards in the barracks for now." She answered 

"Oh, Ok." Finn said turning

"I asked Starchy if I could move her in the house right next to the grave yard but he said there was already someone living there so that was the last open place." PB said apologetically 

" I don't really think she would have liked it there." Finn said rubbing his neck, and frankly You don't either, she doesn't like scary movies so staying in a creepy old house in the graveyard didnt sound like her cup of tea...or yours either 

"Yeah, your probably right...well see you later guys." PB said turning back to her experiment

"Bye." Finn said waving, 

you waved too before following him out

When you reached the  barracks you looked over it, the outside walls were green and there were two Banana guards guarding the entrance

"Hey guys." Finn said walking through

"Hi Finn." The waved simultaneously 

You follow Finn in, there were a couple banana guards playing basketball and one lifting weights, 'I guess its so empty cause there are banana guards working right now.' Finn led you through a door that read office and you heard some neighing from inside

"Are there horses in here?" You asked confused

Finn shrugged

you blinked 'ok I guess.'

You followed him through the maze of hallways till you reached a door, Finn knocked and a female banana guard opened the door

"Hey do you know where f/n is?" He asked

"I'm not sure, I think she's with banana guard sixteen." The banana guard answered

"Oh ok, thanks." Finn said as the banana guard shut the door

"Who's banana guard sixteen?" You asked walking as you headed back where you came from

"He's an artist, most of the time he's at PB's castle painting murals and stuff, but he still guards sometimes, I'm going to ask Colonel Candy Corn where he is." Finn explained

"Where is he?" You asked hoping you didn't have to walk all the way back to the castle 

"Where we first came in in the second office." Finn said

"The one that was neighing?" You asked raising an eyebrow

"No the one next to it, I really have no idea why there's neighing." Finn said perplexed

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