Chapter 18

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Well, this is late (big surprise) but at least it isn't a month late, it's just 4 days late. I'm sorry I'm incapable of getting chapters up on time. The good news is after this there is only one chapter left!!!! Yay! Still sorry for getting this out late though.

B/o/c - backpack of choice/ literally any backpack you want

S/o/c - sword of choice/literally any sword you want

The floors were littered with different weapons and shields and a menagerie of birds sat all around the hall like room, on the floor, shelves and chandeliers. All of them had human-like arms with weapons of all kinds, axes, bows, spears, knives, clubs etc. And they were all between you and the end of the hall where the copper key sat on a pedestal, as soon as they took note of the two of you standing in the doorway they all took flight at once, arrows flew, axes swung and knives were thrown. Finn jumped in front of you to block the many attacks being thrown your way and you quickly grabbed a shield from off the floor to help block attacks. Loud thunks and clunks echoed around you from failed attempts at hitting you thanks to the shield. Finn grabbed your hand and you both ran over the weapons and to the end of the hall, something scraped your leg bringing forth a sharp pain but you didn't have time to look at it so you continued running. A bird with a spear blocked your way as others flew behind you, Finn blocked an attack with his sword and you smacked it with your shield sending it careening to the floor with a crash of weapons scattered in its wake, finn picked up a shield and you put your shields together like a barrier as you ran to the end of the room. The barrage of attacks were never ending and you could feel blood streaking down your legs but served it was from shock or not you couldn't feel any injuries besides the first one.

"I'll cover you!" Finn yelled over the sound of metal clashing and fighting

You ran up the steps and grabbed the key before sprinting back down, grabbing Finns hand and running for your life.

You both made it out and slammed the door shut before taking a minute to get some air and let the shock wear off.

"...... well then.. " You breathed heavily

"That was rough." Finn said wiping blood off his sword

"Yeah." You replied shock apparently not having worn off yet

"Did you get the key?" He asked taking in his injuries

"Yeah." You nodded

"Good, cause I wasn't going to let you go in there again." Finn said pulling out some bandages and disinfectant from his backpack

"Yeah." You spoke in agreeance

"Are you ok?" He asked worriedly

"Yeah." You answered

"You keep saying 'yeah'." Finn said getting up and coming over to you

"I just didn't expect that. Even the spiders were tame compared to that mess." You said with a chuckle

"Oh, yeah I didn't see that coming either, it was pretty crazy." he laughed patching you up

"This is a lot of blood but most of these wounds aren't very deep." Finn reassured you

"Thanks for covering me back there." You said with a grimace as the disinfectant stung your wounds

"You did good too." he smiled as he put the last bandage on

"Thanks." You smiled ".... You don't think the diamond room is going to be like this do you?" You asked nervously

"I'll go in first to make sure, but I doubt it." he answered

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