Spider-Man vs the Enforcers/ Super Villain Origin #1 Shocker

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Before we get started, I would like to tell you that, I will be telling the origins of every new villains that Spider-Man comes up against. I will only be doing this, if I haven't elaborated on the villain in the actual story enough. So don't worry about this being an annoying trend. I also made some changes such as, Spider-Man's age, being now 13 years old, Herman Shultz, being the leader of the Enforcers, but still retains the name Montana, a future villain, Vulture, becoming a crime lord in Silvermane's empire, temporarily, another future villain, Electro, being African American, another future villain, Kingpin, now being Spider-Man's villain, another future villain, Mysterio, being a good guy from the start, & etc. With that out of the way, let's get started!

2 weeks before the special event, in a secret room of a big building, there were 4 men inside. One had a big flat head, almost like a hammer, wearing a business suit: Hammerhead. The other was African American with a country accent, somehow, wearing a gray jumpsuit: Montana. Another was Asian holding a bo staff, wearing the same gray suit: Fancy Dan. The last one was a huge Latino with a mustache: Ox. "Alright, Hammerhead, what's this gig about?" Said Montana, Hammerhead brought out a lab top in his bag "Well Herman..." he replied "I Told You To Call Me, Montana!" Montana interrupted "Whatever, I want you & your team to take this bug out." said Hammerhead. Then, he showed them a picture of Spider-Man, Ox was puzzled & said "That's not a bug, that's human. A kid, to be precise." "Don't act like I'm stupid, Ox!" Hammerhead scoffed & then proceeds to explain why they need to take down Spider-Man. Ounce, he was done, Montana facepalmed himself & said "So let me get this straight: our criminal empire has recently been having trouble with this kid, as much, as they had trouble with Daredevil." Hammerhead nodded. "How?" asked Fancy Dan "I mean, he's just a kid" "A kid with superpowers." answered Hammerhead "Look, if you end up going easy on this kid, & he wins, because you underestimated him, you'll be out of the empire, permanently!" The Enforcers decided not to talk to Hammerhead anymore & just proceeded to go & do their jobs.

Meanwhile, on top of a roof of a building, 1 hour later, Spider-Man was laying down, & listening, & singing a song: ""Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran"

When all of a sudden, his Spider-Sense went off! He got up & saw a missile, heading straight towards him! He quickly dodged it, & saw a helicopter in front of him. The helicopter moved right on top of Spider-Man, & dropped 2 ropes. 2 guys dropped down from the ropes. They were Ox & Fancy Dan, but Spider-Man didn't know yet.

Ox try to slam Spidey, but he missed, because Spidey jumped back. Even being able to perform a backflip, 3 ft, above Fancy Dan. When he landed, Fancy Dan was about to hit him with his bo staff, luckily, he dodged. Then, Fancy Dan try to stab him, ineffectively, but Spider-Man dodged again. & grabbed his bo staff, lift it, then, performs a few karate chop on Fancy Dan. Ounce, Spider-Man let go of the bo staff, he round kicked Fancy Dan twice, & did a reversed hook kick to Fancy Dan's face. The impact of the kick caused, Fancy Dan, to fall down on the ground. When Fancy Dan looked up, he saw Spider-Man jumping towards him. Spider-Man was about to hit Fancy Dan, when he got punched on his cheek, by Ox, which caused him to, fly. Spider-Man quickly recovered, & webbed onto something, he swing kicked Ox. When Spidey landed, he saw Fancy Dan about to slam his bo staff on him. Spider-Man leaped out of the way, then, ran upped to Fancy Dan, jumped up, & side-kicked him to the face. Fancy Dan fall down to the ground, while Spider-Man performed a back handspring, for no reason, when all of a sudden, a green laser was shotted behind him, & almost hit him. "Surrender yourself, bug!" said a mysterious country voice that came out of a helicopter, it was obviously, Montana "You got nowhere else, to go." Spider-Man looked around, & found himself surrounded. "Ok, first off, Spiders are arachnids idiot,..." said Spider-Man "second off, who are you guys?" "We are the Enforcers" answered Montana. Then, the helicopter projected a screen of Montana. "I'm Montana..." introduced Montana "these 2 are Fancy Dan & Ox." "Well, it's not nice to meet all of you." said Spider-Man. "Then you will die!" yelled Montana, as he aimed & shot a missile at Spider-Man. Spider-Man dodged the missile, by doing a back handspring then, a backflip. When Spider-Man was done, doing his flips, he saw Ox about to bear hug him, luckily, Spider-Man jumped right over Ox, & even kicked Ox, on the back of his head, which made Ox fall. Spider-Man landed in front of Fancy Dan, facing towards him, "So, your name is Fancy Dan, right?" ask Spider-Man "Then, let's dance" they both proceeded to fight each other, dodging & blocking each other's attack. All of a sudden, Fancy Dan used his bo staff to swiped Spider-Man's leg, making the arachnid-themed hero fell. Spider-Man, quickly, gained conscience, & looked up, saw Fancy Dan, about to slam him with his bo staff. Spider-Man, burrito rolled, out of the way, then, did a pony kick to Fancy Dan's face, sending the bo staff' wielding Enforcer, flying. Spider-Man jumped up, & did a backflip kick on top of Fancy Dan's head. Fancy Dan fall down on the floor of the roof of the building, unconscious. Spider-Man sticked the landing, when suddenly, he saw a huge shadow behind him. It was Ox, who was about to bear hug him, so Spider-Man dive-rolled forward, to avoid his grip. Then, Spider-Man turned around, & shot a web at Ox's mustache, pulling it. This caused, great pain, for Ox. Spider-Man stopped, pulling his web, & then, ran up to Ox, as he was adjusting his mustache & comforting the pain, & stopped, when he got close enough to Ox. He jumped up & front kicked Ox, then, downward hooked him, on top of the big Latino's head. "2 down, 1 to go" Spider-Man said to himself, as he landed next to Ox's unconscious body. Then, Spider-Man's Spider-Sense went off, as Spider-Man, immediately, react to it & dodged a laser.

He jumped off the roof of the building, & started web-slinging around the city. "Ah, finally!" said Spider-Man "Mr. Cowboy, finally, does something for change." "Son, you're making the Enforcers look bad." said Montana, chasing Spider-Man, in his helicopter "I. Can't. Have. That." "Are you sure?" ask Spidey "Because I'm pretty sure, that you're already making yourself look bad. With those, ridiculous, jumpsuits, you have on." Feeling pretty insulting, Montana launched a missile at Spider-Man. Spider-Man, now being chased, was web-slinging around the city, as fast as he could. Until he reaches to a tall building, he landed on the side of the building in a crawling position.

The missile was still locked on to him, so Spider-Man wall-crawled, as fast as he could, until, he got up & started running on the side of the building. Then he jumped backwards, falling down toward the propellers of the Montana's helicopter. He was trying not to get hit by them, so he went to a diving position & dived down towards the propeller until... he made it! The propeller missed him! But, unfortunately, the missile was locked on to Spider-Man, & it was too big, so when it went through the propellers, it got hit & exploded. The helicopter was going down, & was going to crash with thousands of people, potentially, getting killed. Spider-Man shoot out some webs onto it to tried to stop it from crashing down, but it was too heavy. The web snapped, sending the helicopter falling down. So Spider-Man jumped down & said "I hope this works." Spider-Man shot out a barrage of web like a solider shooting bullets out of a machine gun. This time, it did work! The helicopter landed on a bed of webs, & no one was hurt. When Spider-Man got Montana out of the helicopter, he made Montana laying down on the web, making Montana stuck. When, he heard the Police cars' sirens, he immediately left the scene, leaving the Enforcers to get arrested by the Police.

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