Chapter one - The day i was brought

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Hello, my name is Daniella and i am 18 years old, I have been captured by vampires since I was 11, if I don't get sold soon I'll become a slut in their club. I am nervous because I'm now at the age where a 56 year old man could come and choose me.

"Sluts, Come here now! Before I whip you you have 10 seconds." He shouted. I quickly crawled on all fours allowing my collar and lead drag on the floor. "A man wants to purchase one of the girls for his daughter, the Princess of Lands" He yelled. "Shower and I will pick Emily,Daniella and Kacy as my mains so If I didn't mention your name shower anyway!" He ordered.

Unfortunately, I was mentioned so we all followed him into the punishment room. Why? When you reach a certain level you have to be whipped 15 times without crying or else you get sold to one of the clubs and used for sex, blood bags and slaves. The sleeping conditions are not the best thing in the world, as they are harsh beds and no blankets nor pillows.

First, it was Emily she failed on the 10th whip, that is when I realised this was not going to be good. "Count and thank me without a noise am I clear?" He explained. "Yes Sir," I replied.
"One, thank you"
"Two, thank you"
"Three, thank you"
Fortunately I succeeded. He put cream on my back and took me to another room.
They started curling my dirty blonde hair and put me in a two piece costume. I felt disgusting and my mum would be disappointed for that was sure. My pale skin was ivory as they did my makeup they had to use vampires foundation and concealer.

For the first time in a month I brushed my teeth. I felt upset as my eyes threatened to spill my tears I wouldn't let them see me like this. Just as I finished the bell went, this was connected to the door so you knew when there was a customer. "Line up," the Owner said. We all did as we told with me and Kacy, who too passed the test, we were stood at the front. All of our collars had our names on. He looked me up and down. I felt absolutely terrified as he said, "I'll take her!"

The owner roughly attached my lead to my collar whispering into my ear "come back and I will kill you." The man brought a whip and gave the man the money for both me and my whip.

"Crawl," The man ordered. He looked like he was 74(74,000,000) years old. As we stood outside my eyes squinted as my eyes looked out side. My knees instantly hit the gravel causing me to scream in pain. "QUIET SLUT,"the man said whipping my back. I instantly shut up not wanting to want to cause more trouble.

Oh no 😱 what will happen? Why? Who is the princess?

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