Chapter two - the journey

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As we sat for the journey ahead, I realised how scary he was. His teeth where a bright white but his eyes a dark red. More of a crimson colour. My mascara had ran down my face as I looked out side the window.
"What is your name child?" The creepy man asked.
"My name is Daniella Sir," I replied instantly scared of what was going to happen next.
"Why do you fear me?" He asked.
"I-I ..." I started crying as flashbacks appeared.

*Flash back*
"Daniella I sold you for money," My dad said bitterly.
Shortly after a vampire killed my mum and dad.
"Come little flower,"A man said.
I kicked I screamed but couldn't escape their grasp.
*End of flashback *

" I'm sorry sir," I looked down at the floor of the car as my breathing got sharper as my throat started to close up.
"Answer me when I'm speaking to you,"
" I had a bad experience with vampires," I explained looking into his eyes.

The driver in the front broke the silence, " we are here sir,"
My palms where sweaty and I felt like a wreck this was it until I died I would be here for the rest of my life. This was a hard fact to learn but it helped me relax knowing I might be dead tomorrow...

Before I knew it, the car door was open and I was being dragged to the mansions door.
I knew many pets would dream of this and I was lucky but I felt uncomfortable and this place seemed scary. It had five floors. He knocked on the door and dragged me inside.
"I can walk you know" I told him. A sharp slap came upon my face. I felt hurt but also relieved knowing he did a wrong thing. No person has the right to hit another's pet unless a contract has been signed by the pet and owner. Unless, it was really necessary.

" come through this way to the princess," a Maid said with a pitiful look when she looked at me.
As i crawled through the double doors of which the maid pointed at i noticed the princess immediately.
She had pastel blue hair which was complemented with black jeans and a black polo. Her light skin went well with her black crown. She looked stunning. She had her ears pierced and a nose piercing in the middle. She was everything you wouldn't expect in a princess. Then It hit me. She was the Princess of the underground. He lied. He lied.

Her red eyes locked with my brown eyes. A smile formed on her lips but quickly dropped when she noticed the hand mark on my mouth.
"Who did this?" She questioned looking at the man who brought me.
"Your highness, this is from me because she was smart talking. She hit me and cursed as well," He lied. Filthy blood sucker!
"Is this true baby girl?" She asked whilst looking at me in domination.
"W-well h-h-he was dragging m-me around and I-i told him I could walk and then he hit me mistress!" I explained with caution not wanting to lie.
"She's lying," The man said.
"SHUT IT OUT OF MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!!" She creamed obviously believing me.

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