Chapter Five- Why me ?

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I apologise for not updating in ages I am seriously sorry, I hope you can forgive me as I have been busy with other stories
Daniella's point of view:

I sat there in disbelief. I knew I was a pet, nothing but I felt hurt and scared. As soon as Kayla left I turned into into my pillow and cried. I screamed in tears allowing my anxiety to take me in acceptance, " Why me?" I screamed kicking now, throwing books that were neatly on the shelf. "I didn't want this, I don't want this," I cried throwing the books hard at the wall.

A slight dent was in the wall, but I ignored it continuing to throw books at the walls.

"WHY SERIOUSLY WHY!" I screamed. I decided to go into the bathroom. I ran the bath with the cold water, then I desperately tried to find a sharpener and a pair of tweezers. I was successful and used the tweezers to unscrew the sharpener and removed the blade.

I undressed and turned the tap of the bath. I sat down into it, my hot tears were still falling down my face. I was so thankful I didn't wear mascara. I picked up the blade and started to cut my skin. As I kept on cutting my blood dropped into the bath. After cutting twenty five times in each arm I relaxed into the cold bath.

My breathing started to slow down as my eyes slowly rolled. Until I blacked out.

Kayla's point of view:

After handing Daniella the piece of paper we exchanged a few words but then I left her giving her privacy. I could here her heart beating and books being throw. "She is going to be the death of me," I thought whilst humming softly.

"Your majesty," A servant whispered in shock and bowed. I walked off to gym and started to do my work out. I started to do my pushups and a strong sent of blood filled my nose. Fear filled my eyes as the familiar smell hit my nose. Daniella! I immediately stoped and a feeling I did not like encourage me to go and check on her.

I rushed up the stairs and opened her door ; I opened the bathroom door. There she was unconscious. I carried her out of the bath putting her in pyjama shorts and a top, then I reached for my phone in my pocket and called my doctor. Not seconds later a knock at my door was made. I rushed down and opened it. I greeted Jacob in with a smile and he followed the sent.

As we went up he asked if she was breathing. I nodded my head as he let out a sigh of relief. As we reached her room I opened the door and there she was. Lying there slightly breathing. "By the looks of it her wounds need closing and she will be weak for a couple of days." He confirmed.

I let out a long sigh releasing my breath, which I didn't even know I was holding, I sat beside Daniella. Even when she was not well she looked like an angel. Only if she knew the effect she has on me, only if she knew how much I need her, want her.

"Ben, come and look after my angel please."I instructed more than asking.

Ben slightly nodded his head showing her was willing and sat on the blue puff opposite the bed and I left trusting him. I strutted into the kitchen with my mixed emotions "Everything okay my dear ?" Layla asked. Her make-up was just to much.

"Yeah I am fine," I replied tying to rap this conversation up. As I turned around to grab the milk and strawberries, Layla pulled her skirt up and unbutton her top, but I just ignored it. I grabbed the blender and put the milk and strawberries in with two drops of my blood. This was to heal her wounds. As the blender was making that horrible loud noise I turned around to grab a glass, and there was Layla.

"Just stop trying, I demand you leave," I warned her.
"But, I can tell you're stressed," she replied,
"Yeah, I am, and your really not helping," I yelled louder than I probably should have. My eyes turned a deep red as I put Layla against the fridge.
"Next time I will personally rip your head of," I whispered making her show panic and shock.
"Now LEAVE," I yelled pointing towards the door.
"Y-y-yes your highness!" She stuttered, and then running out.

I grabbed a class and grabbed the whipped cream and a piece of chocolate. I poured syrup into a cup and then but in the milkshake. I spoke the can of spray cream. Then I pressed the button and created a swirly shape and then put the piece of chocolate on top. Then, I made her bacon and sausage bagels and put on ketchup sauce.

I ran up the stairs with them and ordered the slave to leave.
"Hello baby," I whispered hugging her as she was now awake. "I made you a milkshake and bagel." I giggled laughing at myself. She reluctantly took the milk shake and took the chocolate off the top. "Drink and eat everything and then we will talk, Okay ?" I asked making sure she was going to be ok.

My phone started to vibrate and it was my mum, I was actually quite surprised.

Mum: Hey hunny, I would like to come meet your new toy/pet what ever you guys call them now next week on the Monday, if that's okay.
Kay: Yeah, she selfed harmed I think the pressure made her crack, I'm going to add this as a rule.
Mum: Oh no that's awful yeah just go easy on her pud
Kay: will do mum love you
Mum: love you two.

I sighed looking at my baby eating her bagel.

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