A Boy's Proposal

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Sansa was given her old room at the Vale. It was small and warm, with a raging fire engulfing the air. The stone floor was cold and her body shivered as she awoke to walk around in the morning. But it felt more like home than the Red Keep, despite having spent more of her recent life there, the snow was her home, the cold hard stone beneath her feet.

Daenerys was on her way to being thawed. She knew that she would have to scrap most of her wardrobe and that a fire would always have to be burning in her room. Usually, she would have been given the largest room, but in this case, she was given a smaller room, in order to hold the heat in. Jorah never left her side. He ordered warm milk, hot food and warm pillows so that she might heat herself. Although she appreciated his effort, Daenerys wished that she could have a moment alone.

Sansa felt like she was always alone now. The small council would hold their meetings in Daenerys' room and Petyr was so busy with the reconstruction of the Red Keep that Sansa spent much of her time alone. One aspect of the Red Keep that Sansa missed was the garden, she could find herself there at any part of the day, relaxed and in deep thought. The gardens at the Vale were covered in snow, so Sansa had to find solace elsewhere.

Lord Arryn still had hope, despite the engagement of Sansa to his Stepfather. He would watch her as she would sew in the room with the boarded up moon door. He had not seen her in a long while and he hoped that she saw him as a man, compared to the child he was when they were last together. He used to think the idea of their marriage was rather obsurd, and even repulsive at times. But, when he watched her, her hands working fast and her mind concentrated on the task at hand, he found her rather beautiful.

Sansa knew that he watched, she could sense his boyish gaze. She felt flattered, but she hoped that he would never voice his opinions. On a cold winter's day, Lord Arryn dashed these hopes.
"Lady Sansa. I have been meaning to speak with you." His voice faltered and cracked. Sansa indulged him for the moment, only to be polite.
"I have been meaning to speak to you about marriage, our marriage." Sansa placed down her work and stared with wide eyes, in shock.
"Excuse me?" She responded, disbelieving what she was hearing.
"As you know, we have been betrothed to one another since my Mother passed and although you were Alayne then and now you are Sansa, you are the same to me. I know you have been married since and you might think that our bond has been broken, but to me it is very much alive." Sansa looked into the hopeful eyes of Robin Arryn and felt pity for him. She could not kill the hope, so she replied.
"I think you should speak to your Stepfather about this." And then she returned to her sewing, waiting for him to leave.

Tyrion had heard it all. He shook his head as the foolish boy left, head high with hope. Petyr had not told the boy about his engagement and now Sansa knew. Tyrion approached her and sat on the step beneath her chair.
"Well that was a little embarrassing." He remarked and Sansa let out a small chuckle.
"Yes, I suppose you could describe it that way." She replied, her eyes still on her work.
"You know he is probably the busiest man in Westeros at the moment." Petyr stated, referring to Petyr.
"Yes, I am sure he is. The Red Keep was a beautiful building." Sansa's voice held the tone of despair.
"He hasn't told Robin, he can't have." She sighed.
"He probably hasn't seen him to tell him. He wakes up before anyone else and goes to sleep when the whole of the Vale is quiet with rest. He has his businesses to run, his affairs in the Vale, the distribution of Dragonglass and now the restoration of the Red Keep. I do not envy the man." Sansa remained silent, she knew what Tyrion said was true, but she did not know how to reply.
"Just give him some time. Just because he is not present does not mean that he does not care." Without waiting for a response, Tyrion left her and Sansa placed her head in her hands and sighed, feeling rather awful about it all.

Petyr had been rushed to a point of exhaustion. He was dealing with his affairs in King's Landing, dealing with Dragonglass and speaking with the men about the Red Keep. But now, his brothels were running well, construction was underway in the Red Keep and his clients had all the Dragonglass they needed. Petyr needed a break. Time away from the work to relax. He decided that he would sleep late and take his breakfast in bed and he would listen to Sansa sing as she wandered through the hallways and then he would eat with her and hold her hand in his and shower her in his love for her.

However, when Petyr's rest came, it was rudely interrupted by Robin knocking at his door.
"What is it Robin?" Petyr winced against the morning sun.
"I need to speak to you about Sansa." Robin demanded.
"What about her?" He asked, not fully awake yet.
"My marriage to her." Now Petyr was fully awake.
"What marriage? There will be no marriage between the two of you." He stated, staring into Robin's eyes to ensure that the message was delivered.
"But I thought that we were attached." Robin pouted and looked to the floor.
"Perhaps you were. But you are not anymore. Am I understood?" He asked, wondering how this had all happened behind his back.
"Get out." He ordered and Robin left him alone. Petyr sighed and rubbed his eyes. His break would have to wait for another day.

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