Chapter 5: Downfall

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Christmas break was dawning, which also meant REPORT CARDS. Hermione was not looking forward to this, which Ron and Harry saw as something truly abnormal. She knew that since she was kicked off the honor roll, there was no reason to study or to read anymore, which lead to more failing, becoming the disappointment of all teachers, and ultimately, all F's on her report card. But she saw that there was a bright side to this tragedy. People no longer asked to copy her homework, so they HAD to do it themselves. Nobody asked to copy off her notes, because she didn't take them. But for a majority of students, having the smartest kid in school failing. was NOT an option.

"Okay okay, everybody settle down settle down...." Harry said as he tried to quiet down the crowd of gryffindors who he had told to meet him in the common room at 7 on December 16th. But he couldn't get them to be quiet. Then out of nowhere, someone yelled "QUIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Harry looked around the room to try to see who it was, and it was none other than Ginny Weasly herself. "Thank's Ginny. Now I know that this is distressing news. Hermione is no longer smart. We have to do everything in our power to bring her back. Anybody got any idea's?" As he looked around the room, he saw absolutely no one raise there hand. "Um, Yes? Alicia?" The quidditch player stood so everyone could see her.

"Well, has anyone even tried talking to Hermione about what's making her act like this?" Everyone shook they're heads. "Just as i thought. Now, who here is the closest to Hermione besides Harry and Ron?" 

"That would be us!" The twins said in unison. "Ugh, figures, the only one's closest to her are boys. So, my idea was, Fred and George try to figure out what's up with her. If everyone like's the idea, let me and/or Harry know as quickly as possible. We help her with whatever happened, and get the brightest witch in our house back!" Katie hadn't realized that she had yelled that last part, expecting everyone else to yell "YA!!" Now, everyone just stared at her, with a confused look on their faces. "So.... wotcha think?"

"Absolutly brilliant. What does everybody else think?" Everybody in the room nodded in agreement. "Okay then. Katie, do you wanna take this one?"

"Yes, please! Let's GET THE BRIGHTEST WITCH IN OUR HOUSE BACK!! " And much to her delight, everyone yelled in unison "YA!" Katie had never felt more proud of herself, and she said afterwords, to one of her friends, "I've always wanted for that to happen." with a silly grin on her face. 

"Why are you boys spending so much time with me?" Hermione asked as Fred and George pestered her for the third time this week. She had no idea what was going on, but at least somebody was talking to her. Since the break-up, no one had been talking to her.

"We just wanna get to know you better!" fred told her.

"Fred, I think she's annoyed by us!"

'Who could get tired of us George? We're always a good bit of company."

"Fred, George," Hermione was getting a bit annoyed. The banters we're good, but sometimes were just a tad annoying. "I really appreciate you guys hanging around me, but you haven't even asked me anything about myself." The twins looked at each other. They had forgotten that part. 

"Twin Conference," Fred said as he turned Fred around so their backs we're facing Hermione.

"Well, Freddie, what do we do now?"

"I don't know Georgie, but we better think of something quickly. We might as well ask now why she's been so upset these past few weeks."

"Alright, but i have my doubts that she wont tell us..." They turned around to face Hermione, but she was gone. "Dammit, Fred, she left!"

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