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The dungeon.

Pitch chuckled and walks out of the room as I cry. I cry and cry. I was crushed. I was back here with the memories coming back to the surface. I felt like I was drowning.

Suddenly I felt a little wiggle in my pocket. I put my hand in my pocket and grabbed the thing seeing a little egg. The little egg I had made for jack. It reminded me of him.

The egg had tucked away it's little feet. I need to find a place to put you so you aren't destroyed. I thought to myself. I quickly began searching near the shackles for a lose stone and when I finally found it I wiggles it out.

Yes! I thought in my head. I knew it would still be here. Whatever magic pitch worked copied the room perfectly. Walls and all. And when I used to be stuck down here I would have my mothers picture. With me and her. And I found a lose stone shimmed it out and dig a little so that way it wouldn't get dirty and I would put it inside so my father couldn't take it.

The last time I was in here I left it so it was still there. I quickly put the little egg in after kissing it gently. And placed the stone back.

The pitch came back in looking over at me. He makes a chair appear and sits in front of me.

"He Disney love you, you know?" Pitch asked bluntly. I stared at him questionably without saying anything. "He doesn't care and you. He doesn't want you. He doesn't need you. Your nothing to him. I mean nothing" I said nothing.

Just silently say there and took the abuse. The way I had been trained to.


That night pitch didn't let me sleep. He surrounded me with pennywise. I was terrified. I begged for him to stop. Just like I begged him to stop talking earlier.

I knew it was useless but I couldn't stop. I was weak.

***six months later***

Any chance I got I'd look at the egg and my moms picture. The comforting me more than my mom for some reason. it made me think of jack and I always tried to remember what he looked like.

Think of his piercing icy blue eyes. His Snow White frosty hair. His soft blue hoodie. How he used to be cold but now he was warm. His voice. The way it felt to be in his arms.

But everyday pitch comes and punishes. Each time somehow worse than he last. Sometimes he has look a likes of the guardians come in and talk shit about me.

Sometimes they beat me. Sometimes they don't. He flogs me. He cuts me. He breaks my bones but puts them back just to do it again. He has a jack 'look a like' but I can tell it's not him. He just doesn't look enough like him even though I can't really remember 100% what he looks like.

Besides his eyes. His piercing gaze filled with nothing but kindness and.... something else I can't remember and I never could figure out.

As I sat there my arms chained above my head I thought.


"Mummy!" I giggled happily as I saw my mother return from work.

"Hello sweetheart!" She said happily a loving smile on her face. "How's my little snow princess doing today?" She asked as she picked me up and spun me around.

"Today me and Harry where playing in the snow! I was hoping to see Jack Frost but he still didn't come." I said with a small pout.

Just then Harry our beautiful husky walked over to us. I giggled as he licked my face. "Don't worry sweetheart one day your prince will come."

I looked at mummy questionably "who's my prince mummy?" I asked as I smiled up at her with my lopsided grin.

"Why Jack Frost of course! You can be a snow princes without him!" She spoke with a warm tone to her voice.

I giggled "okay mummy" then I ran off to go back outside and play.

*flash back two*

"Sweet heart!" My mum yelled. "Why don't you take Harry outside and okay for a little. Maybe see if you c an find Jack Frost!" My mum called from downstairs.

"Ok mum!" I yelled as I took Harry outside. Not noticing the shake in my mums voice.

As I was walking outside I heard a scream. I ran back into the house and Harry tried to grab my long winter cloak to stop me. I wore a cloak to feel more like a princess.

"Mum?!" I screamed as I got inside the house.

"Run! Run my snow princess! Don't come back! Go far away! Go sweet heart!" She yelled frantically as she stopped me from going outside.

"Bu-" she cut me off kissing me on the forehead.

"Go y/n. And remember I will always be watching over you. I love you sweetheart." She whispered as she pushed me away.

I ran and ran and ran. Not once stoping. I didn't know where I was going. And next thing I know I was surrounded by darkness.

*flash back three*

Everything was dark and smelled so clean. 'Where am I?' I thought. Then I heard voices. I heard my father.

"If she asks they died in a crash and she was the only survivor! Got it?!" I heard him scream at someone.

"Y-y-Yes sir. Just please p-put the gun d-down!" Said the other man. My heart rate picked up.

"Check on her!" My father paused. "Now doctor!" He ordered who I now knew was the doctor.

He walked over to me and checked my vitals. "She's fine. Perhaps just having a small nightmare is all." The doctor said in a shaky voice.

That's when I opened my eyes. "Mum?" I spoke hoarsely.

I heard my father growl lowly at the doctor. The doctor jumped slightly.

"Well miss y/l/n I'm sorry to have to tell you this but you where in a terrible accident. And your mom and brother both died. You and your mom where picking him up from college for the holidays." He paused "I'm so sorry" he whispered as he grabbed my hand.

I looked over at my father in fear. 'What has he done?' I asked myself.

Never again did I trust my father. And never again was he the same. He was always angry and drunk. He was a terrifying man. From then on I always got a beating or something. That is when the dungeon was created.

*end of flashbacks*

I opened my eyes in shock. "He-" I started but someone cut me off.

"Killed them!" Pitch finished for me. He laughed. "Isn't it great?!" He asked happily. "You've always radiated fear. You alone I could always feel because it was so potent. So raw. You had the realest form of fear. And you still do." He said happily.

I shook my head frantically. "I'm not afraid of you!" I yelled in defiance. Although deep down I was petrified.

"You say that but what you don't realize is that I can feel your fear. It's what I live off of. And yours... yours. Is. Delicious." I trembled at his words.

I was losing hope. And quickly at that. Will they ever come for me? Do they even still care?

'Where are you my snow prince?' I thought.

'Come save me jack...

I need you'

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