09- Warmth

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Hello hello hello everyone! I'm continuing this story with a series of one shots! They could happen before or after the end of the story (so like before or after you become a guardian!) So I hope you al enjoy! 

I can't ever tell you how long or short they'll be some might be longer others might be shorter but ether way I hope you enjoy, these updates might not be as regular but oh well. 

So someone commented and asked where he got the hoody he wears and why didn't he change his bottoms when he did get it and I got this idea, so without further delay here to go!


"Jack!" I called as I wandered around the north poll. "Jack!" I called out again. 

I felt a pair of hands go over my eyes and smiled immediately, "Well hello there snowflake~" I heard Jack. 

I gasped in mock surprise "Who's there?!"

"Wow! Really?" he asked 'upset'. "How have you forgotten me, you're best friend?!" He said again and I could hear his smile. 

"Oh, Tooth." I smiled as I heard his gasp and light growl "When did your voice get so deep? Not complaining just curious." I said laughing. 

The hands where removed and in the next second Jacks head popped down from above me, confirming my suspicion that he was floating behind me since I couldn't hear him approach. 

"Well gee princess glad you like my voice but it'd be a bit silly to see my voice coming out of booths mouth wouldn't it?" I nodded laughing ignoring the heat in my cheeks. 

It was a little while later as me and jack walked around the north poll watching as the elf's played and the yetis worked. it was strangely a calming air even in the busy workshop, but that's most likely because Jack was with me. 

He always calmed me, even just having his hoodie on when he wasn't around helped calm me. as I thought about his hoodie I was reminded of the question I had always wanted to ask him and just never found the time. 

"Hey Jack," I called to him and continued once he hummed acknowledging he heard me. "Why do you always wear your hoodie? I mean I get that it's you're signature thing, but why did you never change the pants to match better?" 

At this he stops moving. "J-Jack? I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, are you okay?" He shook his head and gently grabbed my hand removing me and him from the workshop. He pulled us up  to the roof where we sat together in silence. 

Funny enough I wasn't to cold, being around jack more I got cold much less easily, but that doesn't mean the north cold wasn't cold. Because it is, Jack seemed to notice my light shivering and removed the hoodie and handed it to me. 

"Here, no need for you to be called, even if you are my little snowflake." I smiled lightly at him. 

There was a long moment of silence as Jack stared off into the sky just watching as the northern lights swirled around. "When I woke up, I had on an old brown cloak a shirt and these pants. All I felt was cold, just cold. I was alone in the woods by a lake, and frankly I as afraid. And then I look to the sky, to the moon and he speaks to me and says 'Your name is Jack, you don't need to be afraid you won't be alone much longer.' and that was it, then he was gone.

"I wandered aimlessly through the woods just trying to find someone. Then I finally did, A big bunny standing there s surprisingly soft expression on his face and a boomerang in his hand. 'he's over here!' He shouted and I saw three people run over to him. A big man in a red coat with a white beard, a girl covered in green shiny feathers and a short golden man covered in what looks like sparkles but I soon find out is sand.

"The bunny who's name I soon found to be Bunnymund spoke to me again 'Ay there mate. How you doin?' I remember looking to him confused and just saying 'Honestly I'm so confused. Ether im going crazy and you really are a talking bunny rabbit or im dead.' The big man in red spoke then, 'Sadly young one the last one is true, you are in fact dead, but do not fret you get to live on as a guardian.' I remember already hating the sound of that, there was something I needed, someone I needed to find. 'Yeah, thanks but no thanks.' I remember trying to run away but I couldn't because the shortest silent one had snuck up to me. he put up some symbols one being a face another a snowflake and the last being an arrow. 'What? I-I'm sorry I don't understand.' 'He's saying how you're cold. We can see you shivering.' North spoke 

Suddenly tooth began zooming around 'Ooooo ooo North make him something make him something!!' She was so excited that she fired out ideas and soon enough north handed me this hoodie, of course it wasn't frosty like it is now but once it got in my hands it was. But I remember before putting it on Sandy sprinkled something over it. And when I out it on I just felt warm. 

"We soon realized that this hoodie was the only thing that can keep me warm." He finally finished an instant panicked rush past all the warmth and slight sadness I had felt from that story. 

"Wait- this is the only thing to make you war- then why would you give it to me?!" I move to quickly pull it off but he stops me smiling widely. 

"Nonono hang on there, it was the only thing that made me warm."I looked at him confused as I pulled the hoodie back down. "Now you do too, just being around you I feel... warmer, it's nice."

The smile on my face wasn't something I could contain. "I do?" he nodded and I moved closer to him, "Well I'm glad, cause you do too." We sat up on that roof for hours, talking laughing and sharing stories. I was happy he told me the story, and I was happy I gave him the same feeling he always gave me. 

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