11 | The Devil's Spice

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Author's Note:

Buckle up, kiddies! Things are about to get  a little bit spicy in this chapter.

🌶️🌶️🌶️ 🌶️


•Y/N: Your Name
•H/C: Hair Color
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

—————————————————__________________________________Author's POV:__________________________________

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Y/N shifted nervously as she constantly smoothed down the skirt of the dress her best friend had borrowed her while contemplating whether or not to knock on Loui's door. Knowing she couldn't wait forever, she shakily raises up her hand to pound her fist against the surface only to put it back down and turn to pace back and forth in the hall. Thankfully, no one else is there to witness her internal struggle.

'Okay, Y/N, you can do this! It's only dinner, like Sam said... Only dinner.' The woman takes a deep breath while staring straight at her boss' door.

'I shouldn't be keeping him waiting like this.' Though very anxious to spend a night with her employer, Y/N forces her feet to move towards the door and quickly knocks on it before she could change her mind. The woman's heart pumps rapidly in her chest, kicking into overdrive, after the act is done

"It's open!" The blonde bartender shouts, loud enough for his guest to hear through the door. He would've opened it for her had he not been busy with setting dinner on the table. Y/N gulps and twists the doorknob to push the door open before stepping into the man's apartment. The H/C-haired woman notices that a few things have been moved around and added to the place since her last visit. The brick walls now had a few framed, jazz posters and there's a large, flatscreen T.V. surrounded by the couches.

The delicious scent of freshly cooked food made her stomach growl in hunger. Her worries seemed to wash away after sensing the friendly, familiar atmosphere radiating off of the man. Loui makes an appearance after walking away from the kitchen to greet his date with a welcoming, toothy smile. For once, a hat wasn't worn on top of his head, showing off shiny, gelled locks of blonde hair swept back from his cheery face. As expected, he dressed nicely for the occasion in a white dress-shirt patterned with thin, black, vertical lines, black slacks, pointed shoes and a black necktie. Loui's ruby eyes looked the woman up and down to examine her dress, making her feel a bit self-conscious as she adjusted the strap of her purse that was slung over her shoulder. The bartender grins as he comes closer before attempting to make that blush on her face even brighter.

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