Dad Zone

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Lilly opens the door. "Dad" Lily said "Lillian," Her dad says Shirtless Elijah stands beside Lily. "Who are you," Elijah asked "My dad," Lily said "Come in," Elijah said The dad smiled "I would love to I would also love if you considered putting a shirt on," The dad said "Oh of course," Elijah said. They went inside and Lily closed the door.

Sophie sat by the sand. "Afraid to go in," Someone said "Actually-" Sophie sees the merman in the water. Sophie sighed "I'm Sophie," She said "I'm Ray," He said "What to take a swim," Ray asked Sophie smiled and dived into the water. "Count me in," Sophie said Ray smiled and they dove underwater.

Anaya knocks on the door. Alli opened the door. "I bring cookies," Anaya said Alli smiled. Alli and Anaya set down "So what's bothering you" Alli asked "My mom she knows that I'm a vampire and she's been great but really overprotective" Anaya said "Anaya your amazing you'll make her trust you, trust me" Alli said "Thanks for the advice" Anaya says Anaya and Alli hug.

Emily sets on the bench. Thomas runs over and sets beside her. "Look, Emily what's going on," Thomas asked, "I can't play this anymore what are we?" Emily said Thomas didn't answer. "We've been hooking up since school started and I need to know," Emily asked "I can't give you that answer," Thomas said Emily nodded and got her purse. "Goodbye," Emily said walking away. Thomas sighed.

Anaya walks in. "Hi, Mom I-" "Here honey take this we have to get you on a schedule," Her mom said putting the blood bag in Anaya's hand. "The vampire freak is home," Taelyn says smiling. "Taelyn apologize" Her mom demanded. "No it's fine I have to go finish homework even though we don't go to school we have homework," Anaya says speeding upstairs. Anaya sighed and then looked at the window.

Lily's dad drank his tea. "Hi I'm Elijah Lily's boyfriend," Elijah said "Bob and I guess Lily is passing life without me," Bob said "Maybe if you stayed you would have known" Lily said "I deserve that but I have to tell you something" Bob said "Is it something to benefit you because last time I checked you only care about yourself" Lily blurted "It's not benefiting me it's killing me" Bob said "Please Tell" Elijah said "I have cancer" Bob said

"Still laying out here," Anaya said Chrishawn smiled "I have nowhere else to be," Chrishawn said Anaya sat down
"My mom is so clingy I have a bedtime 5:30," Anaya says Chrishawn laughs "You haven't shown up to our group parties every Saturday," Anaya says "I haven't felt like it," Chrishawn says "Well I'm picking you up so don't get comfortable" Anaya says getting up. "I'm going to get questioned by all of the group" Chrishawn groans "Deal with it. As in me, I'm going to go back into the house and hope I don't get caught" Anaya says speeding off. "I'll pray for you" Chrishawn whispers.

"How do I react," Lily said, "How do you feel?" Elijah asked "Nothing he was nothing to me he left me when I was born my mom has been hurt in several ways how can I forgive him" Lily said "He's living his last few days and yeah you don't have to forgive him but get to know him" Elijah said "I can barely look at him and not feel anger" Lily says "He might have messed up in the past but he wants to fix it. I messed up and you helped me
Just get to know him and if you can't stand him for another minute leave" Elijah says Lily sighs

Chrishawn laughs with the group.  Anaya lays in bed and then looks at the window and jumps out.

Elijah walks in. "Hey come set down" Bob said Elijah sets down next to him. Bob puts a ring in Elijah's hand. "When your ready....that was Tammy's ring before I left" Bob said "Keep it... please" Bob said Elijah nodded. Lily walks in. Elijah hides the ring. "Bob can we talk" Lily said

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