Give me Roses

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Heath woke up. "WHAT the hell" Heath said "Sure got comfortable huh" Brandon said "Let's go to the living room" Heath said. They walked out into the living room. "What are you doing back I thought you were helping hybrids out in the Philippines" Heath asked "I did but you guys have a threat a huge threat and I need to tell you guys" Brandon said

Emily opens the door. "I know this might seem weird but I started dating Anaya I thought it was the right thing but then but then I realized I can't get over you so if you would like to start again.... as my girlfriend" Thomas asked Emily smiled

"Who is Reign" Anaya asked "My buddy he died from them she's taking power and getting stronger then anybody in this world

Reign touches a guys face. Red fills her eyes.

"How do we take her down" Lily asked "That's can the can't" Brandon says

A guy runs up to her. She touches his face. He dies and falls to the ground.

"So we're dead meat" Chrishawn said "Basically" Brandon said "I have some guesses" William says "So do I" Sophia says

"So a container of blood will kill this witch" Anaya says "Me and William have been studying it for awhile the group just kill you'll be good" Sophia says "How do we touch her" Lily asked Sophia hands them gloves "That  easy huh" Anaya says "Make sure she gets nowhere near your face and put this blood on your face it's basically vervain to her" Sophia said

Reign smiles. "You've found me" Reign said "It wasn't hard" Chrishawn said Riegn sped toward Chrishawn and touched his face. Her hands turn red she screams and Yanks her hand away. "We're not scared of" Lily said Elijah kicked Riegn to the floor. Anaya puts her hand in Reigns chest. "Enjoy hell" Anaya says Reign throws Anaya across the room and does the same thing to Elijah. Reign smiles. "You can never defeat me" Reign said Reign looks at her chest where blood is. Violet holds her heart. The vampire picks up Reign and speeds away.

"Her heart was yanked out she can't survive that" Chrishawn said "She's Riegn do you know what she can do maybe she can come back to life" Anaya said

Brandon watched the fire. Anaya walks in. "That wasn't the reason came back was it" Anaya said Brandon turns around. "No, I missed this friends and I have cancer stage 5" Brandon said A tear fell from Anayas face. "I wanted to tell you since we're blood" Brandon said "No you can't be" Anaya said "I am" Brandon said Anaya hugs Brandon. "Hey Cous, look at the bright side you wouldn't have to stand me for much longer" Brandon said "No, I'm gonna miss you" Anaya says "I'm too hard to forget" Brandon says "I love you" Anaya says "I love you too" Brandon said A tear falls from Brandon's eye. Anaya and Brandon hug.

"So about us I-" Abigail kisses Heath. "US" Abigail said Heath smiles Heath and Abigail kiss.

The group chants. Reign breaths. "I'm back" Reign said

(Tell me want you think of the episode in the comments love ya.)

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