❝ six.

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Catching a cold during summer was probably one of the most ridiculous things that could happen to anyone. Yet Wooyoung ended up in such situation. He couldn’t go to work, the first few days he could barely get up from his bed and take proper care of himself, not to even mention going to see Yunho. Actually, the fact he wouldn’t be able to meet up with Yunho for so long only made him feel worse.

On a brighter note, Yeosang moved in Wooyoung's house for a few days to take care of him. Wooyoung had gotten so used to being clingy that it was weird that he couldn’t just wrap his arms around Yeosang and stay like that. First, because he was sick and second, because their relationship wasn’t quite like that.

Yet there were times when they had their moments of shared affection. Yeosang didn't care all that much about also getting sick and he loved sitting in Wooyoung's bed with the younger lying between his legs with his head rested against his thigh as he was braiding his hair. Wooyoung's hair wasn’t long but it wasn’t that short either and Yeosang thought he looked adorable with all those little braids.

This time Wooyoung fell asleep easily thanks to Yeosang's gentle touch and the meds he had just taken for his fever. He had his arms wrapped around the other’s waist, sleeping peacefully while Yeosang didn’t stop braiding his hair. At some point he leaned to cover Wooyoung with a blanket, then focused on his main activity.

He smiled as he heard Wooyoung mumbling quietly in his sleep, wondering what was he dreaming of.

When he was finally done, Yeosang carefully placed Wooyoung's head on a pillow and moved away just to lie down next to him. He covered himself with the blanket, loosely wrapping his arm around his best friend’s waist before also falling asleep.

During his long nap Wooyoung had many weird dreams, most of which didn’t make sense yet he remembered when he woke up. The one he remembered the most vividly was with Yunho. They were peacefully swimming together with no worries about anything.

He did wake up disappointed and with a lot of worries, though. He looked at Yeosang who was still asleep and pouted lightly. He suddenly started contemplating if he should tell him the truth about Yunho. It wasn’t like he could hide it forever. Especially from his best friend who was eventually going to get suspicious over Wooyoung not having any free time for him anymore. Of course, if he wasn’t suspicious already.

That wasn’t a thing he should have thought about at that moment. He got anxious and on top of everything he suddenly started missing Yunho even more than he previously did.

He snuggled up against Yeosang and closed his eyes again, lucky enough to fall back asleep not long after.

All of his days were spent with Yeosang except the times when the older had to go to work. The week passed quickly but at times for Wooyoung it seemed much slower than usual to a point it was agonizing.

“Yeosang, I need to tell you something.” Wooyoung was sitting at the edge of the bed, finally determined to talk with Yeosang and not lie to him any longer. At that moment, Yeosang had just walked into the room on the morning after his night shift.

The light brown haired boy's eyebrows curled upwards in slight worry as he saw how serious the expression on Wooyoung's face seemed. He walked over to the bed and sat next to his friend, looking at him. “What is it?”

Wooyoung put a hand on Yeosang’s thigh before patting it lightly. “Don’t look so tense as if you’re in trouble for anything.” He chuckled. “It’s just that it's your last full day here before you go back home and I want to be honest with you about something because I hate lying to you.” Yeosang tilted his head to the side questioningly, waiting for the other to continue. “It’s about Yunho.”


“The thing is… I don't want you to assume that I've suddenly lost my mind or that I'm lying to you but the whole story is a little crazy and it would sound ridiculous to you but I swear, I’m telling you the truth, all I need from you is to believe me.” Wooyoung was holding onto his best friend's hands, looking into his eyes and with a slight pout.

“Wooyoung, of course I will believe you.” Yeosang let go of Wooyoung's hands just to pull him close and hug him. “You can tell me everything.”

The younger hummed and wrapped his arms around Yeosang, resting his chin on his shoulder. It was easier to tell him when he wasn't facing him. “When I said that Yunho isn’t from around here it was only partly true. And I know how this might sound but he’s actually a mermaid. That’s why I go to the beach so often and spend so much time there.”

Yeosang giggled quietly and patted Wooyoung on the back. “But I already know that.” To which the latter pulled away as if with the speed of light and looked at him with a frown. “You talk in your sleep. You really have no idea how many conversations I’ve had with you during the last week while you’ve been asleep.”

“Then why haven’t you told me anything?” Wooyoung frowned even more. He felt a little hurt but at the same time relieved that Yeosang had reacted well enough to not mention anything ever and to not send him to a mental hospital even though he didn’t think he’d really go that far.

"Didn’t think it’s necessary.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

Wooyoung rested his chin on Yeosang's shoulder again and sighed. “I hate that there's no other way I can contact him except just going to see him.”

“Let’s go see him, then,” Yeosang suggested.

“I’m still feverish.” Wooyoung thought for a bit but then he decided going to the beach was more than worth it since he had waited for a whole week or even a little more than that. He suddenly let go of Yeosang and got up. “You know what, screw that, let's go.”

A wide smile appeared on Yeosang’s face because of how Wooyoung as if started shining from excitement that he was going to see Yunho again. And he was so glad that he could finally share that with his best friend.

Little did he know that Yunho spent every single day of that week waiting at the beach. He barely got back home or went to see his friends. For such a short time he had gotten so attached to the human. Even when the sun was already setting and there was no signs of Wooyoung showing up, he still waited no matter for how long did he have to do it.

He was sitting at the shore, where he and Wooyoung usually relaxed, and watching the waves.

He felt warm arms wrapping around him and almost felt like he was imagining it until he realized Wooyoung was actually sitting behind him and hugging him tight.

“Hey,” Wooyoung's gentle voice sounded against Yunho's ear, making the latter tilt his head to look at him with the corner of his eye. He was speaking quietly, brushing his fingers along Yunho's arm. “I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long. I’m here with my best friend.”

Yunho suddenly fully turned his head to face Wooyoung, the look in his eyes full of worry and fear that the dark haired boy had never seen since the day they met. It completely shattered Wooyoung's heart to watch him like that and he should have been prepared for something like that. “But-“

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I promise,” Wooyoung was quick to interrupt, trying to assure the mermaid. He moved his hand up to cup his cheek gently and looked into his eyes, combing his fingers through his hair with his other hand. “He knows about you, I promise he won’t do any harm to you. You’re going to be alright.”

“Are you sure?” Yunho wrapped his fingers around Wooyoung's wrist, holding onto him and pouting.

“Of course. You’re safe as long as you’re with me.”

Wooyoung was caressing Yunho's cheek slowly and gently, smiling assuringly and talking to him until Yunho gradually started softening up and was ready to meet Yeosang.

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