❝ twelve.

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Mingi and Wooyoung were left to sit at the shore while Hongjoong and Yunho went off to somewhere for a bit. They didn’t say where were they going, just that they were going to be back soon. What could they be possibly doing in the sea anyways? One of the many things Wooyoung had completely no explanation for. Suddenly he started wondering if mermaids also had stores or fast food like humans did.

He had brought his knees close to his chest, his arms loosely wrapped around them as he was playing with his fingers and staring at them, waiting for the sun to do its job and make his clothes dry faster.

He was fine with talking with Mingi while the others were around but now that it was just the two of them, they didn’t really have what to talk about. It wasn’t as easy for Wooyoung to pretend that he knew that Mingi disliked him. It wasn’t easy for Mingi either. For him to pretend that he was fine with Wooyoung being around Yunho so much.

At one point he tilted his head slightly so he could glance at Mingi, the latter immediately glancing back at him. They both quickly looked away.

“Do you also think that they set this up so we would talk to each other?” Mingi asked, breaking the silence between them.

“Now that you mention it…” Wooyoung hummed, nodding slowly. “But maybe none of this would’ve been necessary if you didn’t hate me for no reason.”

“I don’t hate you.” Mingi groaned and rolled his eyes, receiving a stare from Wooyoung.

Once again, they were quiet for a while. The mermaid got a little uncomfortable by Wooyoung staring at him like that but he tried pretending he wasn’t bothered by it. Though when it got a little too much for him, he decided to speak up.

“I just don’t trust you,” he explained with slight annoyance in his voice mostly from the fact that he had to admit it. “Yunho is a little naïve, you see, he’d trust anyone this easily because he’s so kind and I don’t want you to hurt him, okay? That’s all.”

Wooyoung clicked his tongue. He looked forward again. “I’m more than sure that you know him way better than I do but I can assure you he’s not as naïve as you think.”

“Maybe.” Mingi shrugged. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I worry about him.”

It was Wooyoung's turn to roll his eyes now. He felt a little offended by the fact that even though until now he had never done anything to hurt Yunho and always did his best to make him happy, he was still being doubted. There was no way Mingi could know that except if Yunho hadn’t told him, of course. Yet Wooyoung didn’t like the fact that he felt like he had to prove himself to someone who didn’t even want to give him the chance.

“You two are so lame!” Hongjoong yelled behind the bushes him and Yunho were apparently watching them from.

“I did tell you they set it up, didn’t I?” Mingi looked at Wooyoung again after he was trying to see the other two through the bushes.

“Yeah, you’re so smart,” the dark haired boy responded sarcastically.

After a few minutes, Yunho and Hongjoong also moved to the shore where Mingi and Wooyoung were. As soon as Yunho sat next to Wooyoung, the latter rested his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes, feeling thankful that he wasn’t alone with Mingi anymore. The other two were busy with talking to each other for a while, Yunho joining in their conversation from time to time while Wooyoung was holding his hand and gently playing with his fingers.

Wooyoung didn’t feel excluded because of the fact that he couldn’t say anything. He was actually even interested in listening to what they were talking about. They were most likely having a conversation about one of their friends yet what Wooyoung really understood from the whole thing was that Hoongjoong and Mingi were dating.

A slight smile appeared on his face as he was staring down at his and Yunho's linked hands, thinking how weird it was that the bubbliest person possible was dating someone like Mingi. But of course, he could only assume how things were, based on his first impression of the two. A part of him was sure that Mingi wasn’t like that all the time. The other part of him was just straight up annoyed with Mingi's behavior towards him.

“What are you thinking about?” Yunho whispered against Wooyoung's ear after he noticed he had gotten a little distracted.

Wooyoung looked at him and smiled even wider. “I will tell you tomorrow. Or later if we get to have some time alone.”

Yunho only nodded and nuzzled against the side of the other’s head.

They spent time together until Wooyoung had to go back home and make something to eat and then head to work.

All that sounded like pretty simple tasks to do except that Hongjoong wanted to spend more time with Wooyoung and get to know more about him. He didn’t want to let him go, acting as if they have been friends for years who weren’t going to see each other in a long time. Luckily, Yunho was considerate enough to interrupt. He said that he wanted to spend some time alone with Wooyoung before he went to work.

“We will come to visit you again soon, okay?” Hongjoong said as he was hugging Wooyoung tightly. “Or if one day you magically grow a tail or develop some extreme diving skills, come visit us instead.” He giggled and looked at Wooyoung.

“I promise I will.” Wooyoung also giggled and patted Hongjoong on the back.

Mingi didn’t waste any time on long goodbyes, he just waved at Wooyoung after him and Hongjoong got back into the water, diving in and disappearing soon after.

Wooyoung and Yunho were looking at the sea for a while, watching the waves gradually growing bigger before crashing against the shore. The younger scooted closer and snuggled against Yunho.

“So what do you think?” Yunho asked as he wrapped his arm around Wooyoung, bringing his hand up to comb his fingers through his hair.

“Well, Hongjoong is really kind and easy to talk with and I liked spending time with him a lot but… Mingi…” Wooyoung didn’t want to say anything negative about Mingi in front of Yunho or in general. “I really don’t like that he doesn’t like me. He didn’t even seem to try giving me a chance to prove that I’m not bad.” He crossed his arms and frowned. “And why do I even have to prove myself in the first place?”

Yunho giggled quietly and placed his free hand under Wooyoung's chin, making him look at him. “No one said that you need to prove yourself to him or to anyone. I'd really prefer it if you two could get along but I can’t force it and neither can you. He’s just a little more difficult especially because he doesn’t trust you.”

“That’s unfair, I’m so nice. And I’m cute, too.” Yunho giggled again because of Wooyoung's statement.

They were looking at each other for a while after they fell silent, occasionally glancing down at each other’s lips until they kissed. Wooyoung moved closer and wrapped his arms around Yunho's neck, gently tangling his fingers in his soft mint colored hair. Yunho moved a little to wrap his free arm around Wooyoung's waist, caressing his back.

“I need to go to work,” Wooyoung mumbled out into the kiss.

“Five more minutes, please.” As soon as he heard a quiet hum in response, Yunho closed his eyes, tilting his head to the side and deepening the kiss.

That made Wooyoung finally let himself calm down and relax, getting his mind off of Mingi and focusing on Yunho.

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