❝ seven.

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While Wooyoung was assuring Yunho, Yeosang was sitting to the side, a little far from them to not disturb them and especially the mermaid while they were talking. He had brought his knees close to his chest, one elbow leaned against his knee and head rested in his palm peacefully as he was watching the two. A very light, almost unnoticeable smile was pulling at the corners of his lips. He couldn’t help but be happy for his friend. It was so obvious just how connected they were and how much they missed each other but he wondered if the two actually realized that.

When they were done, Wooyoung turned his head to look at Yeosang over his shoulder, lifting his arm up and gesturing at him to come over. The light brown haired boy got up from his place and walked over to his best friend and the mermaid.

At first he thought it was going to be a little awkward to meet Yunho but he turned out to be wrong. The mermaid was so kind and warm-hearted that it wasn’t difficult for Yeosang to carry on a conversation after introducing himself.

He sat on the other side of Wooyoung. The dark haired boy had taken his friends' hands in his own, swinging them lightly at times while talking. Without realizing it, at one point he intertwined his fingers with Yunho's. Both Yunho and Yeosang noticed, mostly because of the obvious blush that was spreading across Yunho's cheeks, but Wooyoung was so happy that he was existing in his own world and didn't notice much around himself.

They spent a few hours together but Wooyoung had to be brought back to reality when Yeosang let go of his hand and got up, messing his hair up a little. “We have to go back home. It’s almost noon and time for your meds.”

“But-“ Wooyoung wrapped his hands around Yunho's arm, clinging to him while he was looking up at Yeosang and sulking. “We just got here, I’m alright, I don’t need meds anymore.”

“You said it yourself, you’re still feverish.” Yeosang sighed.

Wooyoung was looking at him for a bit and pouting before he looked at Yunho who was apparently also sulking. He leaned closer and whispered so only he would hear him. “I promise I will come again tomorrow.”

“For longer?” Yunho pulled back a little to look at Wooyoung again.

“Yes. For much longer.” The latter let go of Yunho's hands and hugged him, receiving a twice as tight hug in return. “Wait for me in the morning, okay?” Yunho nodded before Wooyoung pulled away and got up.

Yunho went back into the sea when everyone said their goodbyes and Wooyoung finally got into Yeosang's car.

“Hey, don’t sulk.” The older reached out and caressed Wooyoung's shoulder before starting the engine. “You’re going to come back here tomorrow either way. I understand how you feel.”

“Really?” Wooyoung glanced up at Yeosang as he was putting on his seatbelt. After that, he made himself comfortable and took his shoes off, crossing his legs over the seat and leaning back. “How come?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

When they went out on the road, Wooyoung felt obligated to turn the radio on. He was singing happily along whatever song was playing and sometimes Yeosang would join in too even though he didn't know as many songs as Wooyoung did.

They stopped by at the supermarket to buy food to cook and to renew Wooyoung's noodle supplies. They bought so much food that Wooyoung was probably not going to starve for the next two or three weeks. But as he thought about it, he spent so much time with Yunho that he barely ever remembered to eat. Good thing Yeosang was around during the past week to cook for him and remind him to eat. Or more like, to force him.

“Did you not put your shoes back on on purpose when you were going out of the car?” Yeosang asked as they were checking out all the things they had taken.

“Nooo, I forgot to put them back on.” Wooyoung answered cheerfully like it was no big deal and looked down at his bare feet, patting against the floor and shrugging. Then, he moved to the end of the register and started putting the food in bags. He had given his wallet to Yeosang for him to pay so he just took the bags once he was done, waiting for the older.

Yeosang helped him with one of the bags on their way back to the car. Wooyoung only now actually realized it wasn't a good idea to not wear any shoes because he had started complaining about the little rocks all over the parking hurting his feet “on purpose”.

“Maybe if you put your shoes on-“ Yeosang opened the front door of the car, placing the bag at the back seat before getting it.

“I forgot,” Wooyoung whined in defense, also leaving his things and getting in.

They got back to Wooyoung's house, going to the kitchen right after taking their shoes off. They put a big part of the things they bought in the already almost empty fridge and the cupboards, leaving the needed ingredients to make fried chicken which they were going to prepare together.

While Wooyoung was preparing the chicken, Yeosang was making a dip sauce for it.

“Should we make anything else?” Yeosang asked as he was almost ready with the sauce, helping Wooyoung with the rest of the chicken.

“Noodles?” Wooyoung suggested at which Yeosang giggled quietly and shook his head. “What?”

“You really love noodles, don’t you?” Yeosang smiled and took out two packets of noodles from the cupboard they had just loaded, then found a pot to cook them in.

“Maybe so.”

When Wooyoung was finally ready with the chicken and put it in the oven, he took out a tablecloth to put it on the table and arrange the plates and silverware along with the dip sauce.

“Hey, Sang.” Wooyoung looked up at Yeosang. “When we talked in the car and you said you understand how I feel, what did you mean?”

Yeosang rolled his eyes and looked back at Wooyoung. “I said it doesn’t matter.” He took the pot off the hob. He felt Wooyoung cling to his arm and without even looking at him, he knew the boy was sulking yet again just as he was doing when he didn't want to let go of Yunho. “Wooyoung, I won’t tell you.”

Yeosang placed the lid on top of the pot for the noodles to soften even more if that was possible at all. Then, he turned to look at Wooyoung.

“Are you keeping secrets from me?”

“Yes, because I’m too embarrassed of saying them out loud.”

“Then just text me?”

The two were staring at each other in the eyes for a long while until Yeosang fished his phone out of his pocket dramatically slowly. He opened his chat with Wooyoung, glancing at him a few times while typing so the younger wouldn’t try to peek before he had actually sent the message. He sighed before hitting send and went back to staring at Wooyoung until he checked his phone.

Wooyoung put a hand over his mouth and gasped, his eyes widening as he read the message. Yeosang almost felt like he was a character in a soap opera because Wooyoung was so overly dramatic for nothing.

“There’s someone you like from another town and you never told me?!” The dark haired boy exclaimed out loud, causing his friend to facepalm. “What?”

“Wasn’t the point of sending the text message for me to not say it out loud or even hear it?” Yeosang hid his face behind his hands, more out of frustration than out of embarrassment.


“So anyways, now you know. Happy?” Yeosang turned towards the counter, removing the lid from the pot to move the noodles into two bowls. “Let’s eat now, the chicken is almost ready, too.”

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