❝ fifteen.

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A little known fact, especially for Wooyoung, was that mermaids could actually grow legs. Of course, so far in his life, Yunho had never tried something like that. He didn’t even think it was possible at some point but the truth was that there were many mermaids who were fed up with the life in water and decided to live along with the humans. It was something that went through certain families that had human ancestors, not all mermaids could do that. Some mermaids were never even born as mermaids just because they weren’t born in water.

Luckily enough, Yunho happened to have a human great, great grandma on his father's side, making him realize how weird of a family he had.

In fact, Yunho was also going to face a great difficulty if he had to stay away from Wooyoung for almost a year. And his gut feeling was telling him that he could trust the boy enough to actually be with him.

He had been contemplating it a lot, even right before actually doing it, but he was tired of seeing Wooyoung sad.

He talked with his parents and explained everything to them, about him and Wooyoung and how he couldn’t just leave him. For his surprise, they encouraged him if he really thought that that was the thing he should do.

The fact that Wooyoung had brought a suitcase with himself was really convenient for Yunho. He only took a T-shirt and shorts from there, not sure if he had to check in advance if at least the T-shirt fit him. One thing was for sure – he was not going to show up in front of Wooyoung naked and these clothes were enough even if they didn’t exactly fit him. Maybe the shorts were a little shorter than they were meant to be.

He felt weird. Having legs was weird. He couldn’t imagine how did Wooyoung live like that. It was so uncomfortable. He spent around thirty minutes trying to figure out how to walk without losing balance until he got fed up and just plopped down on the sand, not even walking that great of a distance.

The clothes felt a little uncomfortable, too, as he thought a little more about it.

But everything was worth it as long as he was going to be with Wooyoung. He had to get used to everything.

After a while of just sitting there and moving his legs a little from side to side and still thinking how weird all that was, he got up again and went to sit at a rock instead. Somehow happened to be the rock they met on. Or maybe it was completely on purpose.

Wooyoung was supposed to come back from work any moment now, he thought to himself. He anticipated the boy's reaction even though he was aware it wasn’t necessarily going to be a positive one. After all, he really did hide all that from him.

“Any moment” turned out to be an hour that Yunho felt like an eternity. The look on Wooyoung's face when he saw him was priceless, indescribable. His tired, sleepy eyes were wide open. His face has lost color and was suddenly pale. He couldn’t tell if that was real or if he had fallen asleep and was currently in a really weird dream. Or if he was so tired that he was hallucinating.

Maybe I should have warned him beforehand instead of giving him a heart attack now, Yunho thought.

Wooyoung approached Yunho, looking at him from head to toe in utter shock, his hands clenched in fists.

“Remember how I told you I’ve got a surprise for you?” Yunho asked, smiling lightly.

“You could’ve done this the entire time and you haven't told me?” Wooyoung spoke slowly and hesitantly brought his hand up to point at Yunho's legs. He received a nod as a response. “I’m going to kill you,” he whispered, feeling his blood boil, even though both of them were aware he wasn’t talking seriously. But he was angry indeed. He felt so let down that he couldn’t even gather the strength to yell at Yunho. “You made me go through all this the entire time and you could’ve just grown legs… Just like that?”

With a sigh, Yunho leaned closer and wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's waist, pulling him towards himself. The latter tried moving away for a moment but he eventually let himself be pulled.

“Please, don’t be mad at me. I can explain.” He slowly started caressing Wooyoung's back, looking up at him with a slight pout. “I had to talk with my parents if I could stay here instead of going with them. Now I'm going to stay separated from them because I want to be with you. Also, I wasn’t really sure if I could trust you. I was scared that you were going to hurt me until recently.”

“Even after everything I did for you and all the love I gave you, you still doubted me?” Wooyoung wrapped his arms loosely around Yunho's neck as the latter nodded, his pout only growing bigger.

Letting out a sigh, he decided that he was going to give himself more time to process all of that. He was too exhausted to think now. And he couldn't be mad at Yunho about his trust issues with humans.

“Let’s go to the tent,” the dark haired boy said as he pulled away, reaching out to take Yunho's hand. “You can walk, right?”

“I mean… I can but I'm really bad at it.” Yunho grabbed Wooyoung's hand and got up, carefully getting off of the rock and standing in front of Wooyoung. That was something neither of them ever imagined to happen. But there they were.

Wooyoung looked at Yunho and squinted. There was the thing, as a mermaid Yunho was probably longer than two meters. That was most likely because of the tail but as a human, he was much shorter than that. Yet he still somehow managed to be at least ten centimeters taller than Wooyoung which pissed him off.

“How dare you be taller than me?” He furrowed his eyebrows, getting on his tip toes to reach Yunho's level. “Get your tail back, this is disrespectful.”

“So now you’re complaining that I have legs just because I'm taller?” Yunho giggled.

He suddenly held tightly onto Wooyoung with both hands, realizing that his legs were getting a little wobbly when he was standing in one place.

“How do you manage to live like this?” He whined quietly as the other started walking slowly while supporting him, leading him to the tent.

“We learn as babies and then we get used to it. Just think of yourself as a baby now and these are your first steps.”

“Oh, trust me, I made many more steps before you came here.”

“Yet you still haven’t gotten the hang of it, so what’s your point?”

When they finally got into the tent, Yunho lied down on his back and Wooyoung lied down on his side next to him, one arm thrown around his waist.

Being on a soft surface like the mattress in the tent was a relatively new experience for Yunho. He almost melted by the feeling, closing his eyes and letting out a relieved sigh.

“You’re wearing my clothes,” Wooyoung pointed out though he noticed that when he saw Yunho sitting at the rock. He was slowly playing with the hem of the T-shirt, flipping the fabric between his fingers gently. “Wait, does that mean you’ve taken from my underwear too?” He suddenly stopped the movements of his hand and lifted his upper half up a little to look at Yunho with a frown.

“No.” The older opened his eyes slightly, glancing back at Wooyoung. “I’m not wearing any. I just put these on because it would’ve been awkward if I showed up naked in front of you.”

Wooyoung giggled and moved to rest his head on top of Yunho's chest. “As if you haven’t been naked the whole time until now.”

“Yeah, but I had a tail. And now I have… other things.”

“Fair point, it really would’ve been kind of awkward.”

When they quieted down, Wooyoung fell asleep, his arms wrapped around Yunho's waist. Yunho also fell asleep a while after, his fingers gently tangled in the other's hair as he was previously combing them through it.

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