❝ eleven.

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“Wooyoung, I'm taking a break,” Yeosang announced as he bent under the bar counter to get out, already heading towards the exit of the club but walking slowly backwards, waiting to receive some kind of response from his friend.

“Already?” Wooyoung raised his eyebrows up.

Yeosang only shrugged and gestured to the other bartender to remind Wooyoung that he wasn't leaving him all alone. Then, he turned around and finally walked outside.

It was a rather peaceful Saturday night with not as much work as there usually was during the weekends. There were still a lot of people but that time it was mostly regulars instead of tourists on a vacation.

Wooyoung didn’t complain when he had a little less work to do. He even saw it as something good because he wasn’t going to be as tired when he went back home and he wouldn’t need a lot of sleep. Nothing changed the fact that time passed by painfully slowly, though. And if there wasn’t anything to distract Wooyoung, he was bored out of his mind. Usually the thing that distracted him was Yeosang but during the whole night he had been taking breaks way too often and disappearing off to somewhere even at the point they got a little busier at the bar. Wooyoung didn’t question him about that.

The warmth and softness of his own bed made Wooyoung let out a sigh of relief as soon as he lied down a little after he got home from work. He sleepily set an alarm for noon, then fell asleep almost immediately.

Although he slept only for a few hours, he was having some weird and quite detailed dreams such as drowning as he was being pulled deeper into the water but Yunho saving him.

He woke up minutes before his alarm. He couldn’t go back to sleep so he spent the rest of the time staring at the ceiling, thinking about the dreams he had. Maybe it was a sign and a warning about Yunho’s best friend. But it was going to be rude if he didn’t show up although he really was a little scared.

And he couldn’t really tell if the fact he even started dreaming of Yunho was good or bad. The mermaid was occupying such a great part of his thoughts already.

He had become way too dependent on Yunho and his presence. It was probably a little ridiculous. He did realize that there was no possible way he could be at the beach all the time just to be with Yunho. And, on the other hand, Yunho couldn’t be there all the time either.

The alarm finally going off distracted Wooyoung. He turned it off and got up to get ready and go outside. It was one of those days when it was so hot and humid that he could barely breathe. His skin was boiling underneath his clothes even though he was wearing just a T-shirt and shorts.

He was nervously fidgeting with his fingers on his way to the beach, wondering what to do. He didn’t meet mermaids every day and with Yunho it was probably a different case than it would be with anyone else. Was he supposed to be in the water with them? Were they supposed to go out of water to him? No. That was going to be a little too awkward. Was he supposed to stay out of the water while they were in? That also sounded like an awkward option. And a rude one, too. He really hoped Yunho had something figured out.

The mermaid was already waiting for him at the beach, leaning against a rock and calmly waving his tail around in the water. He greeted Wooyoung with a warm smile as the latter approached him. Wooyoung crouched down, leaning over the rock to cup Yunho's cheeks and give him a small peck on the lips.

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