❝ eight.

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When Yeosang woke up early in the morning for work, he also woke Wooyoung up so he could go to meet with Yunho and not make him wait for too long. Wooyoung had gone to sleep early on the previous day so he could be with Yunho as long as possible. He woke up full of energy and also got up to dress up and use the bathroom while Yeosang was getting ready for work.

“Come over again some other time?” Wooyoung asked as the two were at the front door and ready to go, rolling the keys over his pointer finger.

“With pleasure.” Yeosang smiled and pulled Wooyoung closer to hug him. “But I’d suggest next time you come sleep over my house, hm?”

“Sounds great.” Wooyoung grinned and patted the older on the back as he hugged him.

After that, they went out, Yeosang heading to his car, carrying his luggage, and Wooyoung – to the beach.

As promised, Yunho was already there and since Wooyoung had no patience and no time to waste, he ran all the way to him and tackled him down, hugging him tight.

“Hey,” Yunho said with a quiet laugh, a little taken aback. He needed a few seconds to realize what was happening until he wrapped his arms around Wooyoung and hugged him just as tight.

Wooyoung buried his face in the crook of Yunho's neck, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He had missed his scent of fresh sea water even though he saw him  only yesterday.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until Wooyoung pulled away, allowing the mermaid to sit up again. Yunho moved his hand up, gently pressing the back of it against Wooyoung's forehead, remembering how Yeosang had said he was sick and feverish.

“You’re okay, right?” He asked, worry obvious in his voice.

Wooyoung nodded with a wide smile. “Of course.” He suddenly sat down and opened his bag, searching for something. “Also, I brought something that I thought you might like.”

Yunho was looking at him with anticipation until the other took out a few different colors of nail polish. Even though all of them were shiny and with glitter in them, his eyes immediately landed on the one that was almost the same color as his tail.

He didn’t even need to be asked or in general told anything. He just pointed at the mint nail polish. “I want this one.” Then he moved his finger to a dark blue one that looked similar to Wooyoung's hair. “Then I will paint yours with this one.”

“I wasn’t planning on getting my nails done, too.” Wooyoung giggled and put all the little bottles back in his bag except the mint one. “I was at the convenience store with Yeosang yesterday and when I saw these glitter nail polishes I thought of you and how much they would suit you. But I can’t put any on.”

“Why not?” Yunho asked while Wooyoung was trying to search for a position to sit in and a comfortable angle so he could paint the mermaid's nails.

“Because I go to work.”

“So what?”

Wooyoung hummed and got to the other side, crouching down to see if he was going to be comfortable there. “It’s not very socially acceptable for men to wear nail polish, you see.”

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