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How did it all come to this the team needed to do something about it and fast. What am I talking about? Allow me to explain it all first. It all started when the team first started at their friend's lab where she was working on a high tech experiment and well things got a little out-of-hand. Allow me to explain it was about the middle of September when the accident happened. Let me tell that story right now

Let's start with the main trio Keon, Leo, and Reece who made up the team. First boy was a half Irish half Jamaican bright green eyed, and dark red haired 17 year old boy named Keon Russell. he was a very sweet man who was very studious. The second young man a brazilian american with a dirty blonde hair do as well as brown eyes. His name was Leonardo Dante Cambiero and like Keon was very studious with a very hardworking personality, but he does have his faults. The last of the trio a Canadian-American-Portuguese young man with bright blue eyes and colored blue, green, and black hair. All three of the boys were very studious and somewhat close growing up. However, things broke down during the time the trio was going through high school. The three of them never knew why they just stopped talking, but now they ran in different circles. 

Keon ran with the jocks which gavee him time to broaden his chances of getting into college with a athletic scholarship. Keon was very athletic and also very studious, however he never let go of that jock mindset. Unlike Leo he ran with the nerdy crowd in fact he was one of the cooler nerds of his group. He was very studious, caring, loyal, and hardworking while he may be intelligent he does have his moments of stupidity from time to time. Now the last one Reece ran with the popular crowd as the funny one of the group and he was very open-minded to his friends. During the last few months before senior year Reece's sister was looking for new interns for her lab. Brooke was a Platinum Blonde with powder puff blue highlights haired girl with bright turquoise and sterling grey eyes. Brooklyn yes that's hre real name, she was very intelligent for a 16-year old, but even she had a secret that not even her brother knew.  But that was all about to change that one faithful day the boys were interning at the lab. it was befre the boys even got there and Brooke was working on her next big project.

"Okay sweetie you ready to go. Um what are you working on sweetie?" her dad asked her while she was working on her experiment. She told him she was working on tubes that would transfer electromagnetic waves. One tube used 25% of Americium and 75% of Argon, the 2nd one used 18% of Radon and 82% of Neon, and the lasts one used about 10% of Plutonium and 90% of Xenon. "When set to mild it creates a generated source of heat that can show light in many different forms, however these tubes when set to the dial of XXX mode can be powerful enough to actually kill someone. So I would be careful around this type of stuff if I were you dad." She said to him as he looked at her in amazement.

"I can't believe you made this sweetie, but aren't your friends coming over to help for next week's showcase?" he, asked her. She replied that as long as they didn't do anything harmful to the lab it would be fine. Yeah that day was the day Reece would regret for the rest of his life. Mostly because he forgot to warn his friends about Brooke and his past and how much alike Reece and Brooke were. Luckily they were brought closer, but not close enough now to be considered true friends. 'nice save dude.' Anyway back to the story it all started on that one day after school.

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