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Awkward Silence (갑분싸)  by stray kids


"I thought you told me it was legit!" he raised his voice at the elder, gritting his teeth as he flared his nose. "you lied."

"I didn't lie." the elder replied, rubbing his temples. "chan hyung, you good for nothing liaㅡ" minho's mother stepped into the room, overhearing the conversation of the two from across the hall, "what's going on here? minho-ah, is everything okay? chan are you okay?"

the two of them flashed his mom a smile. a fake one.
once she walked out of the room, minho went back to staring at chan as if he personally offended him. "Oh c'mon, its not my fault you're not attractive enough." chan spoke, his fluffy blonde locks bouncing as he spoke.

"whatever, loser.." minho mumbled,biting his lip afterward. he just came home from a failed flirting attempt with you. chan was the one who told him to man-up and cat-call you. obviously, it was a stupid idea but chan insisted on blaming it all on minho's lack of visuals (according to him) when it was entirely his fault.

"it's not my face that's the major problem here. it's your advices. they're trash." minho complained, earning a scoff from chan. "clearly, you're just not doing it right." chan retorted, throwing his hands in the air.

"you're an idiot, lee minho. if you like her so much, just go confess to her!" chan told him. the boy glared at the latter and snorted, "yeah, as if i'll do that."

minho went out of his room to cool down but chan took the opportunity to call him out from the room, "Wussy!" he yelled from the room, thank god his mom locked her door, if not, she would've heard chan and the both of them would get a reprimanding from her.

"i'm going out for some fresh air, idiot. don't destroy anything while i'm gone." minho warned as he wrestled his arm into his coat. "no promises!" chan replied.


"why the hell is it so windy?" minho thought, tugging at his coat before zipping it up, shielding his torso area and his blue sweater underneath from the cold weather.

he walked down the streets, passing by many convenient stores and small restaurants that sold nothing but kimchi stew. he sighed at the thought of you. yup, he is thinking of you. as if someone read his mind, he noticed you walking out of a candle shop, a small paper bag in your hand as you left the shop.

"y/n!" he called. you twirled around to look for who was calling you, until your eyes met his. "hm?" you mumbled, your brain trying to recognise him.

"who are you?" you asked. the boy reached you in a panting state, "i'm..."

"lee minho." he says. you immediately recognize his voice, "you're that pervert?!" your eyes grew wide.


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