6 AM

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I didn't get a lot of sleep last night because of my stupid brain thinking about stupid stuff,so I wake up feeling like absolute sh*t. 'Welp,Today's gonna be hell.I can feel it' I thought to myself while getting out of the poor excuse of a bed. I check the bed beside me to see a sleeping Neil. Nikki was there for some reason but I immediately shrugged it off just gonna with the theory she was tired and came to our tent to do something but fell asleep. I walk over to my coffee machine and make a cup of coffee to bring with me to the dock, the one place I went in the early morning knowing no one was gonna bother me . I check the time on my phone before heading out. "6 AM. Hm, I woke up later then expected".  Normally I wake up at like 3 because of some weird nightmares, but I had none ( thank god . They're f**king creepy). It probably was just my body being used to waking up early that I'm up now. I decided on not bothering to put on my hot a*s sweater, as (1)No one will see (2) Its a pain to put on and I'm tired (3)I'm hot . I look at my slightly scarred arms , memories flooding into my head I shake it off while saying "fuccccccccccccc that! Not doing that. Nope!". I make my way to the dock. I'm also no wearing shoes or socks so I slip my bare feet into the ice cold lake water after placing my mug down. ' Ew, this water is fuccing gross as hell' I thought while sipping my coffee and feeling an odd tingly feeling in my feet from the lake That was absolutely disgusting so instead I'm just gonna head to the forest. I snuck into the tent to grab my shoes,making sure not to wake up my friends.On my way out I placed the empty coffee mug on the night stand next to my empty bed. I walked in to the forest and not a minute in and I'm scared out of my mind(well not scared because I don't get scared,right).There is a 'crunch' sound in far away bushes. I walked further in the forest ,and I hear even louder crunching sounds and a few "dang!shoot!crap!". Well ,now I know I'm not going crazy and it's just a f%cking bunny or something. I keep walking and suddenly I see a tall red headed man walk towards me." Oh sh!t Oh sh!t Oh SH!T!!!" Then the same man calls"Max? Is that you?". I recognize this figure. It's "DAVID".

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