Part 11:Max's Nightmare

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  Max sat on the bed with a tear stained face. He tried to get himself together before David came,he couldn't look him in the eye with his own puffy red eyes. Eventually,Max got out of bed to get a tissue to wipe his face, despite the protests of his whole body( which hurt like hell btw). He took a few tissues,wiped his face,threw them away,and almost jumped on to the bed. A bed. It was so soft and sturdy. At home,all he had was a mattress with som old throw pillow and blanket from when he was a baby. Then at camp, all he had was a cheap version of a bed. None of those options were very comfortable to him but he didn't want to be rude and be punished so he kept it to himself. The curly hair boy eventually got up onto the bed and curled up in to a sleep position. As he did that, he could only get one thing threw his head,"It's best not to fall asleep". He knew that voice had always been weird and he shouldn't dwell on it. Yet,but he just had to, it was bugging him. Should sleep or wait for David. The 10 year old wanted to wait for the overly happy camp counselor, but the part of his brain making him sleep was getting to him. He fell asleep right there, yet despite the comfy bed, his sleep was not so pleasant.

Max's Nightmare

3rd POV in Max's dream (it's easy in 3rd for me)

Max woke up in his bedroom 'oh no' he already knew what was happening and what that voice in his head words' meant.
But to wake up , he must continue. Having no choice but to continue, he opened his bedroom door and stepped down the stairs. He was immediately greeted by his drunk father, holding a glass beer bottle. Max tried slithering past him to the bathroom, yet he was yanked by the hood of his hoodie. " And where do you think yyour goingggg" his father slurred. " To t-take a shower" Max stuttered, trying to sound strong but failing. Still, you could here a slight attitude in his voice. " You think I'll let you have those kind of privileges with that attitudeeee?" his father spoke again. Max tried freeing himself from the drunk mans grap, to no avail. "Because of your bad behavior, you will cook me breakfast, and if I see anything eaten by you, you'll be sorry". Max hesitated to speak, he could stand up to anyone he really wanted, but he still had trouble with his father. "W-what a-about mom?" " NO ONE GIVES A DAMN ABOUT SOME HO#!" the drunk man yelled. Max whimpered at the tone. The drunken man finally let go, and the curly haired preteen fell to the floor. He immediately stood up and quick-walked to the kitchen, but before he could get there a beer bottle came his way and he blacked out.

Max woke up in a black abyss, and with nothing left to do, he walked forward. After a few seconds, he heard mumbles. As he walked closer, they became louder and clearer words. He ran to the sound, hoping to find someone. Max eventually ran to find the camp counselor office, finding David and Gwen whispering to each other. He put his small ear on the door. " Ugh, I cant stand that kid. I just want to have a nice,happy summer but all he does is ruin it!" it was David speaking, Max bit his lip. " Then we have act like we 'care' about the little sh*t." Gwen. Ouch. " Now we even have to get involved with his famil-" Max stopped there and turned around . He couldn't hear anymore. This actually hurt him, what a surprise. At this point, the 10 year old forgot this was a dream and thought it was totally real. He walked around the abyss, looking for anything else. He walked for what felt like an hour, his feet starting to hurt. Max walked forward a little more, greeted with a pair of black heels. He recognized them, and looked up and saw his mother wearing a stern expression. " h-hello ma'am" He mumble, showing the lady her wanted respect. She didn't respond, just kicking him in the stomach with the tip of her heel, making the boy roll over in the ground. As a consequence of being so skinny, the hurt hit him directly in his ribs.
"F-fcK"Max looked up again, only to see a different scene. His dad chocking David. One look at his dad and he jumped right up. Finally noticing the whole scene, he cautiously stepped back. He took a big inhale " PLEASE JUST FKING STOP! LET HIM AND ME GO. JUST STop...". He yelled at his father while stop. Max now heard David's wheezing and cried ""
"Max. Max! MAX!!"

Two people yelled in unison.
~852 words~

Omg I actually got a chapter out and put 852 words?! Yes!!

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