Part 13: Good to have you back, Maxxy!

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"Neil, bury me." "No, why would I do that?" "Neil, can you bury meeeeee?" "Well, maybe" "WHa- why bury Nikki but not me?!" "Uh, because Nikki has been bury before" "How do you know I've never been buried before?" "Well, Max, you just don't seem like someone who would have buried themselves before." "...You don't know where I've been Neil."

   At the moment, Neil, Nikki, and Max are all standing in front on a giant pit they dug. They had no plan, they just wanted to dig it and they did. But now they don't know what to do with it. Max came up with the idea for Nikki and Neil bury him. Nikki also wanted to be buried. Before they could figure out what to do, the 3 spotted David making his way over there. "Quickly, throw that net on it!" Max said, pointing to a nearby net. The kids threw the big net over the hole, then ran behind a tent. "Hey, where did you guYYYYYYYYY- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" David screamed one of the girliest screams ever. Nikki, Neil, and Max all burst out laughing when David fell straight down in the whole, not even noticing it. "DUMBA$$ OH MY GOD" Max wheezed, almost doubling over from all the laughing. "You guys! Stop laughing and me up, Please!!" David pleaded, sitting at the bottom of the pit. The laughter settled down a few seconds later. " Its good to have you back Maxxy." Neil smiled. "Wha-" Nikki nodded "Yeah! We missed you!". Max took a second to admire the situation. His friends were saying they missed him while they messed around and laughed at David, just like before he had left. He was happy, for once. It might not last long, but currently, it felt like it would last a lifetime. Max smiled, "Yeah, me too." They were all happy, until Nikki shouted " OH MY GOODNESS MAX DID YOU JUST SMILE?! NEIL, ADD IT TO THE LIST!!" The ten year old rolled his eyes, a smirk still evident on his face. The three of them then left to eat some "lunch" from the Quartermaster.

"...uh guys.Max? Gwen? ANYONE? HELP"

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