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The League Of Villians decided to have a campfire on a cold - ish summer night. Tomura thought it was a stupid idea, but that night was quite interesting. "Okay everyone! I brought marshmallows!! Grab your sticks!" Toga shouted.

"No thank you. I only came here because I'm the leader and all you idiots begged for this to happen." Tomura spat out those word stories cold and flat. He didn't care if he was being rude. It was a stupid idea. "I agree with the Handy man." He looked over to see Dabi. Toga pouted and thought for a few seconds.

"Well, since you guys are being so mean. Why don't you get sticks for us?" Dabi and Tomura groaned. "Come on, have fun you guys." Kurogiri said. Since Kurogiri was basically a Mom, they got up and explored the dark woods. "Ah shit, I forgot a flashlight." Tomura looked around for Dabi. "Hey Dabi, got a flashlight?" He said, even though there wasn't a Wild Dabi in his sight.

"Trying to scare me, huh? Well sure. It may be dark and I can't see very much but I know what you're doing." Tomura ran around, tearing a few branches from trees here and there. They could probably need more sticks for the fire. Or Dabi could light it up with his flames. Minutes felt like forever, and of course Tomura got lost. "Come on Dabi, we got enough sticks. Lets go or else I'll find my way back without you!"

Tomura yelled out his name multiple times. No answer. He sat down on a log for a moment, staring up at the sky. He scratched his neck aggressively. "I'm running out of patience." He whispered. "Gah!! Bah!! Wam!! Boom!! Boo!!" Dabi grabbed Tomura's shoulders. Then suddenly he felt a sharp pain. "Ah, fuck, I can't believe you've done this!" On Dabi's hand, some of the skin was gone.

Tomura turned around. "Lets go, and stop shitting around." Dabi's electric blue eyes stared down at Tomura. "I'll run away again, unless you kiss my hand." Dabi smirked, teasingly saying. "Excuse me but do you think I'm just some kind of fucking fairy godmother that'll heal your wounds with my magic wand." Tomura stood up and stomped his foot.

"No, maybe, kinda?" Dabi joked around as Tomura's marched over and held up his hand. He pecked it and then quickly put it down. "Your lips may seem dry, but they aren't so bad. But I still recommend chapstick." Dabi held Tomura's hand as his flashlight lead the way.

"Finally you guys arrived!! Now, let's get started and not waste any time!" Toga grabbed the sticks and gave them to each person. "S'mores, S'mores!!" Twice squealed happily as if this was the best day of his life. Tomura and Dabi didn't really eat any, they just ate one but decided to have another.

Toga reached in the bag to find only one marshmallow left. " guys maybe...uh have to share?" She smiled weakly. Tomura was flabbergasted. "Not again, why that pathetic loser?" Dabi turned his head once he heard that. "Come on, Handy Man. It won't be so bad." He picked up the marshmallow. Roasted the marshmallow, did the chocolate and cracker thing. Then there you have it. A s'more.

They both took a bite out of it. Tomura looked away as they ate. Then soon, without realizing, their lips meant. "Gah!!" Tomura yeet himself away. "Disgusting! Disgustang!! Disgastanging!!" Tomura spit and ran away. The league laughed as Dabi stood up. "Well, this has certainly been interesting. But I think it's time to go back to base." He dumped water on the camp fire as they cleaned up.

As they catched up to Tomura, they all began having their own conversations. "Should I make it up to you again?" Dabi smiled at Tomura as he walked with him. "Why don't you do me a favor and shut your god damn mouth." Dabi smirked "Whatever you say, handyman."

*End of Chapter*

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