Excited Toga

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"Where's the kid??" Toga squealed. Tomura slapped her, causing some skin to peal off. "Ouch! Uncool, Tomura." She clutched her cheek. He walked away, annoyed and mad  "Serves you right, idiot." He slammed the door shut as he walked up to Dabi. He hugged him "We on for a movie night?" He asked, looking up at his face.

Dabi looked down and smirked. "Mhm, how about Heathers?" "Sure, alright." He pecked his lips as he buried his face in to his shirt. Dabi's hands were tangled in his messy blue locks, he felt really calm. Until.. "Yay!! My boys are getting along!!! Please give me kids." Tomura turned around immediately. "Toga, I swear to god." "What?? What's wrong with ki-" Dabi covered her mouth with his hands. "Be quiet, and LEAVE." He yelled.

Toga nodded, sad, and slowly walked away. Dabi bet. over and kissed Tomura's lips. His arms went around his neck and they were there for a few seconds. "D..Da-" Suddenly, the door flew open.

"I CHIME IN WITH A HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF, USING GODDAMN CHAP STICK?!" They both froze as their heads slowly faced the blonde girl. Toga bursted out laughing. "Sorry..I just had to. But how can you kiss him when his lips are dry as fuck??" She continued to laugh, uncontrollably.

Soon, Dabi got tired of this. A blue spark was shot out of his palm. "Toga..I'm about to beat you the fuck up." He murmured. Toga grinned, obviously knowing what's about to happen. "Welp, I have screwed up, terribly." He began chasing her around the house. Tomura enjoyed the whole scene while everyone else just stared.

"Welp, at least we'll still have time for Heathers." 

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