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"W- wait..seriously.." he muttered. He never loved any before. He always looked at a girl and thought nothing of it. But he never thought he could only be attracted to guys..

The more he thought about it, the more anger he felt inside of him. He scratched his neck so much that blood was coming out of it. "Tomura? Are you alright?" He looked up and saw that Kurogiri was watching him the whole time. "Don't look at me like that. I know you're upset about something. What's up?" He asked, concerned.

Tomura choked a bit on the water he was drinking. (If you're wondering, he's not touching it with five fingers.) His hands were shaking so much his cup fell to the ground, shattering. He was fed up with the way he was acting. He stood up and ran outside. He then remembered all the thoughts he had of Dabi kissing him. He thought it was nothing.

But the thoughts of earlier triggered him. Dabi kisses him so passionately, he felt so embarassed. He sat up against the wall and slowly fell to the ground. The stars were up and he was tearing up some grass, as he thought of the past few weeks Dabi was with him.

The field..
The campfire..
The day when he visited his family's grave stones..

All of the memories pasted through his head. He stood up, and the grass in his hand turned to dust. Dabi must be playing with him. Thats it. He was just playing with his feelings. Nobody gave a shit for him, not at all.

He saw a door open and noticed it was Dabi. He marched up to him and yelled. "You think you're so funny and clever, huh?!" Dabi was sorta confused. "Wha-"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! For the past few weeks, you've been torturing me with all these feelings! But I know what you're up to! You're just going to make me feel special and appreciated then you're just gonna leave me! All you've been doing is getting inside my head and making me lose focus. I just can't understand why you're doing this!" He grabbed Dabi's neck and screamed.

"One more finger, and then the first thing that'll begone is your neck!" Tomura's eyes filled with tears. "Listen..I wouldn't do that." He whispered, softly. "Wha..?" "I said I wouldn't do anything like that to you! Alright?!" Tomura let go of his neck, backing away.

"I..I love you alright?! I love how smart you are, I love how calm you can be when you talk, I love how much you can destroy me but I can still love you!" He confessed. Tomura's eyes went wide. "I don't know why, I love you inside and out. Even though you make me mad. I still miss you when you leave. I just don't know how to handle this feeling either, alright?!" Dabi clutched his shirt.

"I- I..I didn't know you were interested in people like me." He was speechless at that point. "But now I realize you never liked me either." He shrugged and began to walk away. "W- Wait!" Dabi stopped walking and turned around. Tomura narrowed his eyes as they stared down at each other for a few seconds. He inhaled, clutched his fists and said.

"I love you too."


Forgive me if there are any spelling errors.
I just wanna thank you all for voting for this story and adding it to your reading lists. ☺️

This story has gotten a lot of views recently, and It brings a smile on my face whenever I see that someone is interested in my stories.

Love you all! Bye! 💖

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