Part Three

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Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived later that week to much crying and sobbing on Molly Weasley's part. They were scratched, scathed, and hurt, but still alive, and were almost killed again when Molly strangled them in her arms.

Ginny smiled happily with everyone else but stayed out of their way. She couldn't see where they were injured, so she couldn't offer help healing them. She also couldn't remember any of their faces.

Ron's she had a vague idea of: long nose, freckles, and red hair. She remembered Hermione's bushy brown hair, but the rest of the girl escaped Ginny's memories. Did she have buckteeth or had those mysteriously vanished one year?

And Harry, beloved Harry, she couldn't remember at all.

She knew his hair was a mess and that he had a scar somewhere on his forehead, but that was all.

When he kissed her the first time she missed his lips entirely, thinking that he was taller than he really was. Draco's lips were at the height she reached for, but Harry was smaller with less muscular shoulders and a much more rounded face, Ginny felt, as he slobbered and sucked until she felt sick.

Ginny found herself missing the cool assuredness of Draco's arms. She missed how his lips found hers so unerringly and how any wetness that ensued was from his tongue purposefully gliding along her lips before delving into her open mouth.

Harry's kiss left her wanting a sponge to wipe up the drool and slobber, like a dog, when his lips tried to find hers. Maybe it was inexperience on Harry's part and he would improve with practice, but Ginny found that she didn't want to be the one Harry practiced on.

She gently broke up with him three nights into his stay at the Burrow.

The Order had taken refuge at the Burrow now that the trio had completely given away Grimmauld Place to the Ministry during their travels, and, now that Snape had defected and no doubt told Voldemort everything, they doubly didn't want to go anywhere the Death Eaters might suspect.

The Burrow was their way of hiding in plain sight; only there were enough wards around the Weasley's house to keep anything unfriendly away. They had added another floor that circumvented the ghoul in the attic with three rooms for anyone who needed to say over.

The best thing about the Order being at the Burrow was the fact that they couldn't exclude Ginny from their meetings any longer. Ginny went right up to her mum and point blank told her that she could hear the meetings from anywhere in the house so she might as well be included.

Arthur had agreed, saying Ginny was certainly old enough, now that she was seventeen and could make her own decisions according to the Ministry. Molly had very reluctantly allowed her youngest into the meetings.

And nobody noticed that Ginny never looked them in the eye, or even that she rarely opened her eyes at all. Luna had noticed easily and Draco had come to his own conclusions eventually. But her family, who should have known her best of all, noticed nothing.

"We've gotten all the Horcruxes," Harry reiterated for the fifth time in just this meeting. A month ago he had finally broken down and explained what the hell he, Ron, and Hermione had been doing for an entire year. "There's just Nagini, Voldemort's snake, and Voldemort himself."

"Yeah," Mad-Eye Moody snarled. "But we can't get close to him. We've got no idea where he is or even what he's doing. Now that we've lost our spy, we're completely blinded."

"And it's safe to assume that You-Know-Who has a spy on us somewhere, so he's not blind at all to our movements," Arthur added in.

"If only there was someone we could-" Molly began but was interrupted by Mad-Eye.

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