Part Nine

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"I love my son," Narcissa Malfoy said from where she was sitting in the middle of the courtroom in front of the Wizengamot. The chains on her chair had bound her in place, but they hadn't bound her tightly.

She was there on charges of aiding the Death Eaters and You-Know-Who in hurting and killing so many innocents.

"I love my son," she reiterated. "Your Ministry and your Order of the Phoenix would have taken him and thrown him to the wolves if I had gone to you for help getting him away from that shameless hussy. I did what I had to do to save my son from ruining his life."

"So you went to Lord Voldemort for aid by trading information about the Order's spy for your son's safety?" the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot asked with an incredulous look. "If Voldemort was someone who you expected to provide safety, then you deserved watching your son be blinded," he laughed coldly.

"At least now she'll stay away from my son," Narcissa said haughtily. "Two blind people cannot coexist."

"They're still together," Lucius said with a shake of his head. He was standing next to his wife and was the only one present in the courtroom willing to defend her. His defense was that the only time she had ever been in the presence of the Dark Lord was when she was betraying Ginny.

"And that's why my son isn't here, defending me," Narcissa snarled. "He's off learning plebeian ways and means in order to lick her shoes just the way that bitch wants."

"Actually," Arthur Weasley stood from his newly appointed seat on the Wizengamot. "Ginny and your son, Draco, are still in St. Mungo's. We won't allow them to be released until whatever caused their sight loss is fixed."

Narcissa laughed. "You are all fools! Your daughter came to us already blinded. She has been blind for years!"

"We would have noticed something horrible like that happening to her!" Molly Weasley cried from her place in the spectators' stands. "We know you did something to her."

"We did nothing," Narcissa snapped. "You didn't notice because you were worried about other things. You have six sons and all of them are hooligans. Why would you have the time or energy to check out every little injury she had, especially since this one doesn't effect her daily life at all?" Narcissa looked pained for a minute before she continued. "I was too busy worrying about my husband and whether the Dark Lord would destroy my family to ever notice that my son was busy with your horrible daughter."

"I love my daughter," Molly snarled. "I would have noticed."

"I love my son!" Narcissa hissed. She would have stood if the chains hadn't barred her way. "I love my son and I didn't notice until it was too late."

"Ginny will be healed," Molly said desperately.

"She sees better with her eyes closed than she does with them open," Lucius interjected. "She doesn't need healing."

"They can't heal something I've had since birth, Mum," Ginny added as she slowly materialized on the floor of the Wizengamot. "I'm not going back to the hospital."

"Miss Weasley!" the Chief Warlock snapped as he finally did his job and tried to get order in the courtroom. "You do not have the authorization to be here!"

"I am the reason there is even a court left at all," Ginny snapped and turned her blind white eyes to look at the Warlock. "You will let me say my piece."

The Warlock gulped when he saw her eyes and nodded.

Ginny closed her eyes and turned her head to look at Narcissa. "Narcissa Malfoy has never killed anyone. She's never tortured for fun or reveled in someone else's death. She has never carried the Dark Mark and has never sworn allegiance to a Dark being. Her only mistake in life is loving her son and trying to control him so that the only woman he would ever love would be her. His wife would come in second to his mother, as would any female friends and lovers. I ruined this dream for her by causing Draco to fall in love with me, so she ruined her life by trying to remove me in the only way she knew how."

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