Part Six

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Draco woke up early in the morning when his arm began burning and cursed. The birds weren't chirping and the moon still shone through his bedroom window despite the fact that it was morning. Why the hell was he being called now?

He snapped his fingers and waited for a house elf to appear as he found his robes and pulled them on.

"Sir?" the elf bowed once it appeared.

"Wake Ginny," Draco told the diminutive creature. "Tell her we are being summoned by the Dark Lord."

The elf bowed again and vanished.

Draco found a pair of socks and was busy pulling on his boots when Ginny appeared at his side.

"The Dark Lord's finally willing to forgo the blow I handed his ego?" Ginny asked with a giggle that Draco knew hid her nerves. Ginny might have powerful magic at her side, but she wasn't invincible. Dark Magic might refuse to touch her, but there were spells that weren't Dark that could do damage too.

"Hopefully it's only information he wants," Draco sighed. "I'd have thought the Order might have finished it by now."

"They took out Lestrange and have probably been planning ever since," Ginny replied knowingly. Draco guessed she had spied on an Order meeting herself in order to find out why it was taking them so long.

"It doesn't take this long to plan an offensive," Draco grumbled as he pulled the last lace tight on his shoe and gave his hand to Ginny.

"This is their only chance," Ginny replied. "If the Order botches this, Voldemort wins. They're not going to jump in without exploring every eventuality." She took Draco's hand and pulled on their magic, vanishing from Malfoy Manor without even a pop.

They reappeared in the middle of Voldemort's meeting room where an entire contingent of Death Eaters was waiting for them.

"So," Voldemort hissed when he caught sight of them.

Ginny and Draco walked to the center of the room and the center of the circle of the Death Eaters.

Voldemort waited for them to take their place with a cruel smirk curling his lips.

"So," he repeated. "You came quickly enough for Order spies."

Ginny snorted and let out a small laugh. "Just because I originally came from the Order doesn't mean I'm your spy."

"Fine then," Voldemort said with a cold smile. "Where are the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix?"

"The Burrow," Ginny answered immediately. "But I have no idea what the wards are around it, so don't bother asking if I can get you in."

"Potter is there?"

"I haven't been back since the first time you and I spoke," Ginny answered, telling the truth while still skirting around the entire truth. "Potter could be there or he could still be out hunting for you."

"And how is the Order learning so many of my plans?" Voldemort hissed pointedly at her.

"Obviously you have a spy. Have you spoken with Snape?" Ginny's grin was mocking and only served to incense Voldemort's temper.

"I have information from a reliable source that you are the spy, Miss Weasley," Voldemort hissed with a laugh. "But I can hardly believe that you could possibly be able to gather so much information when you haven't been to one single Death Eater gathering or planning meeting."

"Then I can't be your spy, can I?" Ginny asked, grin still in place.

"And yet my source insists that you have the power to see my meetings without being in this room. Narcissa?"

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