Part Four

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The morning came, resplendent with chirping birds and sunshine in their faces, so Ginny decided to get up. She left Draco sleeping as she explored the rooms he called his own.

One door in his room led to a sitting room with a fireplace, a couch, and two comfortable looking armchairs. The other door in Draco's bedroom led to a bathroom. Ginny decided to save exploring that for later.

In the sitting room were bookshelves upon bookshelves. Now Ginny knew what Draco did in his spare time and, judging by the amount of books in the room, he had a lot of spare time. Another door in the sitting room led to a study where Ginny found all of Draco's schoolbooks lying haphazardly across an oak desk. She also found a piece of parchment and a quill.

Ginny took her time writing out the names of every Death Eater she recognized from last night. Some she could guess names of because she recognized their magic, Snape for instance. Most, however, she had to guess based on similarities in their magic to people she already knew. Bellatrix Lestrange had a magic signature similar to her close relative, Tonks. Another similar signature to Bella, Rodolphus Lestrange, her husband, led her to Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus' brother.

She made sure to indicate which names she was guessing and which she was sure on, before signing the paper and rolling it up. She borrowed some of Draco's wax and stamped the Weasley family crest into the wax with a bit of magic. Now no one except a Weasley could open the scroll.

Ginny reached out a glowing finger and touched the parchment. It vanished and Ginny knew that it would reappear on the kitchen table at the Burrow where everyone was no doubt having breakfast right now.

"What're you doing?" came a tired voice from the doorway.

Ginny turned around with a smile for Draco. "Do you remember the train ride back?" she asked. "You said you couldn't spy because you'd be killed and I couldn't spy because my family would hate me. But my family knows I'm up to something, so they won't hate me, which means I can spy all I want."

"Just, be careful, okay?" Draco sighed. Ginny nodded and smiled at him.

"So, what do I have to do to get some breakfast around here?" she asked.

Draco laughed. "Put some fresh clothes on and I'll show you the way downstairs."

Breakfast at the Malfoy's was certainly not the Weasley family free-for-all Ginny had grown up in. The three Malfoys sat with their backs straight and their elbows off the table as the house elves carefully set filled plates in front of them.

Ginny emulated the Malfoys as best she could. She kept her back straight and her elbows off the table and pretended to know which fork was which. Draco seemed to sense her confusion and winked at her. She glowered back at him.

"Miss Weasley," Narcissa Malfoy finally spoke. It seemed that conversation was allowed at the breakfast table despite the silence that they had been sitting in for the past five minutes.

"Yes?" Ginny asked as politely as she could.

"What are you doing here?"

Draco stifled a gasp of laughter with his napkin at his mother's rather rude question. Both Ginny and Narcissa gave Draco the look, which had Lucius hiding a small grin in his cup of coffee.

"I am now in the employ of the Dark Lord," Ginny said with a smile. "He granted me your son in return."

"He gave away Draco!" she gasped.

"You could say that," Lucius said in a placating voice to his wife. "Ginevra has an interesting condition which Draco alleviates. I, however, am not as positive as the Dark Lord that she is telling the truth."

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