Part Five

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The notes continued to appear. Sometimes there were two or three in a day, sometimes none for a week. But they always appeared without an owl or a trace of magic.

Moody had refused to believe any of the information written there at first, but then he had seen the Weasley seal and had tried to open the message himself instead of allowing a Weasley to do it. His hand was still burnt.

Sometimes the notes contained lists of Death Eaters or lists of places where specific Death Eaters had attacked. When they caught those fiends they would have specific information to throw down in front of a judge instead of just speculation and pointed fingers, which is what allowed so many Death Eaters to walk free after the first war.

Sometimes there was a date and a place written and that's it. Sending a contingent of fighters to that place at that time would yield over a dozen Death Eaters. Thousands of innocent Muggle, Muggleborn, and halfblood lives had been saved. Dozens of Death Eaters had been captured and were waiting for the end of the war for sentencing.

And everyone in the Order wanted to know how Ginny was doing it.

All she had said before vanishing without affecting the copious wards around the building was that she had a contact within the Death Eaters who could get them the information they needed.

Clearly she had been speaking the truth, because there was so much information.

Except, she never sent any information about herself. Molly Weasley was going spare, thinking that her daughter must be in trouble despite the fact that the notes continued to appear.

Arthur Wesley looked haggard from wondering just what Ginny had to do to get such detailed information. Could she possibly be one of the few Death Eaters that escaped despite the Order's careful spell work at each ambush site? Did she have to give her body over to some dirty Death Eater in return for information? Was she being tortured, abused, or hated?

Every letter from her was opened and the report ignored as the Weasley with the letter in his hands looked first for information on the health of their sister or daughter. Only once they were sure she hadn't written anything did they look at the list or the time actually written there.

"There must be some way we can contact her!" Molly snapped at the Order meeting that week discussing the lists of known and possible Death Eaters Ginny had been sending them. So far a spy hadn't been found.

A star was placed beside the names of the Death Eaters they had in custody and everyone was glad to see the names on the list slowly whittle away. They may not have been fighting against Voldemort to end the war for good, but they were certainly destroying his power base.

"How?" Moody snapped. "Those letters just appear out of thin air as if brought here by magic, yet we can't trace any magic off of those letters."

"What if we write a letter with her name on it and leave it where she usually leaves the letters?" Tonks asked. "Maybe she'll notice it?"

"Impossible," Moody snapped. "As long as she keeps sending us information she's fine. Let's move on to the attack in Aberdeen this weekend. Ginny's promised us that Rabastan Lestrange is leading the attack. Capturing one of the inner circle would be a huge blow against Voldemort."

The meeting ended some minutes later and Molly and Tonks went to get some parchment and a quill. Molly wrote the letter to her daughter, asking after her health and wellbeing, before sealing it with some wax with the Weasley seal stamped into it.

They waited for two days, Molly barely taking her eyes off the letter the entire time, before they had a result.

A new letter appeared from Ginny and the letter Molly had written rose into the air and unrolled itself.

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