Part Eight

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Draco woke slowly and opened his eyes. He felt his eyelids and lashes brush against some sort of bandage, but he knew that the soft gauze didn't cause the blackness he saw.

He remembered Voldemort and the spell appearing out of thin air. He remembered Ginny screaming at him, and he vaguely remembered magic pouring into his body as Ginny cried tears over his bleeding eyes.

Ginny's hand tightened in his, but Draco could tell it was only a reaction from something in her sleep. He could feel her exhaustion beating on the link between them, a link built of Ginny's magic and his, created when she tried to heal him.

Ginny had expended all her magic on trying to heal him. He could breath through his nose, so somehow she had managed to reconstruct the sliced flesh, cartilage, and bone destroyed when the upper part of his nose was blasted away. He had eyelids and eyelashes to blink with and he could feel his eyeballs moving inside eye sockets, so Ginny had reconstructed all of the mangled flesh ruined by Voldemort's cruel spell.

But Ginny couldn't see, so how could she give someone back something she herself didn't have?

Draco felt that the loss of his sight was a small price to pay to be able to be at Ginny's side, alive, right now. Besides, Ginny had lost her sight and she had gotten so much power in return.

The adage that losing one sense made all the others stronger was clearly true, and Draco could feel his magical sense growing as he fought to see.

Ginny had showed him how she saw the world that one day in his study. Draco had known then that he could do that sort of magic himself, if he had to. Now he had no choice; his magic was flowing outside of his body at it's own behest.

Slowly a picture of the room appeared. It was colorless and almost formless, but magic took up the shape of whatever it resided in, so it wasn't long before he could distinguish a chair from a desk or Ginny's body from the bedspread she was tucked under.

When the door opened he was prepared.

"Hello, Draco," Bellatrix hissed. "Or should I say traitor?"

"Hello Aunt Bella," Draco said as he turned his bandaged head towards his Aunt.

"You destroyed everything!" she snarled. "Don't call me family ever again."

He saw her wand as she raised it to point right at him. He saw her magic swirling inside her body in a mixture of rage and insanity. Draco saw everything his Aunt was just by looking at her magic, and was glad he had made the decision to join with Ginny's spying.

His Aunt's madness was partly related to her time in Azkaban, but most of it was caused by all of her time spent in the company of the maddest wizard of them all: Lord Voldemort. Draco could have become like her, crazy, angry, and vengeful, with no thought in his head beyond serving the one who owned him. He was glad he had escaped that horrible fate; a fate that had been waiting for him all his life until one little blind girl spoke to him.

Ginny had saved him from all that, but nothing would save Bellatrix now. He could see her intent to destroy Ginny first, and Draco would not allow that.

Draco concentrated on her wand. The magic inside of it was dark and hateful because of all the horrible curses it had been forced to create. Draco gathered up that magic and forced it to change into cleansing fire.

Bella shrieked as her wand erupted into black flames that coldly ate up the wood of the wand and then continued to eat up the hand that was holding the wand. Black fire crawled up Bella's arm, to her shoulder, and then began moving down her torso to her equally black heart.

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