Part Seven

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Ginny felt Voldemort die only as an afterthought. Draco was dying and something as important a Voldemort's death couldn't bring Ginny away from Draco's side.

She was pouring her magic into Draco's body, fighting not only to fix his eyes and nose, but also to keep him alive. She had used her magic to force his body to make new blood to replace what had been lost. She used her magic to rebuild the broken flesh of his eyes and face.

But she couldn't give him his sight back and she couldn't wake him from his coma.

For three days Ginny sat at Draco's bedside, pouring more and more of her magic into him. She didn't eat or sleep or do anything to replenish her magic.

At the end of the third day she fainted and Lucius Malfoy was left alone with his comatose son and soon to be daughter.

Lucius gently tucked her into bed with his son and sighed. He needed to take both of them to St. Mungo's for healing, but to do that he needed to be able to go out into the world without the threat of capture and being tossed into Azkaban. Ginny was the only one who had proof of his aid in her spying mission and she was unconscious.

Still, Draco was dying and Ginny was killing herself trying to heal him. It was up to Lucius to get them the help they needed, and to do that he needed to speak with the Weasleys.

Lucius pulled on his robes and left his wand in his office. The Portkey he created was set to go off in a few seconds so he held onto the little crystal tightly. There was a pull just below his navel and Lucius left his office.

He reappeared just outside the wards protecting the Burrow and was gratified to see movement inside the ramshackle building. Lucius took a deep breath and crossed over the wards.

He kept his hands in the air to show he was unarmed as the door was flung open and witches and wizards with their wands drawn rushed towards him.

"I know where Ginny is!" he yelled before the stunning spell hit him directly in the chest.


Moody stalked along the hallways of the Burrow with his magical eye roving in all directions. The Weasley's were going crazy searching for their sister and Moody wasn't in the mood to be accosted by another red-haired nutter asking if he had thought of another way to find the missing girl.

Ron had described what he had seen of Ginny during that brief time he had to focus on other things besides battling. Everyone had heard the scream she let out before vanishing.

The general consensus was that Malfoy had done something to her, but Moody didn't believe that. According to Ron's description, the young Malfoy, Draco, had been severely injured and Ginny had been hovering hopelessly over him.

Moody also wasn't a fool. After discovering that Ginny seemed to have some connection with Draco Malfoy, he had gone over all the missives sent by her to the Order. None of them had any information incriminating any of the Malfoys.

With that clue in mind, Moody had gone to meet with Narcissa Malfoy in her jail cell.

The Malfoy Matriarch had told him quite a lot of interesting information. Apparently Ginny had been staying at the Malfoy's for all of the long months she had been gone. Apparently Ginny and Draco were planning on marrying. Narcissa had even mentioned that she was sure that "Weasley brat" was spying and that her husband and Draco had been in on it.

Veritaserum had proved the validity of Mrs. Malfoy's statements. Moody wanted to know whether Ginny's reports were as true. If she were in love with the Malfoy boy, her bias could hide his crimes from the Order.

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