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"Skye wake up! Skye wake up! It's the first day of school"

"Noo" I mumbled as I rolled over in bed fighting the urge to do what she told me.

"Skye wake up, Mrs.Davis is cooking breakfast but we'll only have time to eat it if you wake up now."

After she mentioned that my mom was cooking breakfast the sweet smell of bacon went up into my nostrils.

"Why didn't you start with that Airi?"

She face palmed herself and picked up the pillow that was sitting at the end of my bed and threw it at me.

"Now come on Skye! We gotta hurry up"

"Ugh I'm going I'm going"


"Hey mama,breakfast looks great" I say giving her a kiss on her cheek

"Thank you baby, I thought I'd cook for you for your first day of junior year. You're getting so big so fast right in front of my eyes"

"Mama, it's not like I'm a senior yet. I have a whole two years before I finish school" I say laughing sticking a piece of bacon in my mouth

"I know but still, I remember when you took your first steps"

"Okay mama" I say laughing sticking a piece of my pancake in my mouth

"These eggs are bomb Ms.Davis" Airi says with a full mouth

"Thank you Airi" my mom says letting out a chuckle

Me and Airi finish our food within 15 minutes then grab our backpacks so that we can head out the door.

"Come on Airi hurry up! I wanna get out of here before my mom wants to take pictures"

"Okay okay I'm coming" Airi says while opening the door with the alarm is on it

"Wait don't open that doo..."

Front door open

"That door has the alarm on it Airi, you should know this by now"

"Girls wait wait wait, I want to get pictures before you go to the first day of junior year" my mom says practically running down the stairs.

I look over at Airi and give her the death stare. All she did was shrug her shoulders and mouth I'm sorry.

"Okay Skye, I want you to stand right there and pose just like you did on your first day of preschool"

I rolled my eyes in my head because my mom always does this. She wants me to pose the same way every year and when she takes pictures it always takes way too long. She takes so many pictures it takes up the majority of her storage. I guess this is her way of showing me love but it gets irritating at times.

After my mom took way too many pictures we were able to head off to school. We walked out the door as fast as we could before she looked through the pictures and wanted to take more.


"We're finally Juniorsss" Airi said with her hair blowing in the wind

"One more year till we're seniors" I said with a little excitement in my voice. I was just ready to get out of high school.

"This is gonna be our year"

Right when i was about to say something my phone started to ring.

Incoming FaceTime call from Dad❤️

"Hey baby girl"

"Hi dad"

"I wish I could be there to send you off to the first day of junior year but I had to go on this trip for work."

"It's okay dad, it's really not important. It's just another day"

"I know but it's your first day of junior year. You're an upperclassman now. You're not excited?"

"No,not really"

"Well baby girl I gotta go. I'll call you later tonight okay, I love you"

"I love you too"

After hanging up I threw my phone into my purse and fell back on the seat.

"Airi do you see what I have to deal with? My parents are so embarrassing"

" I don't know Skye. I think it's cute"

"You think that's cute? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, at least they show you that they love you and they aren't some crackheads who don't even acknowledge the fact that they have a daughter"

"The places your mind goes" I say beginning to laugh

We pull up to the school and I prepare myself for the year I'm about to have. A year full of counselors pressuring me to decide what college I'm the most interested in. A year full of unwanted quizzes, homework,projects,and assignments. I take a breath and walk in.

Diing Diing Diing

"The first bell rang already?"

"Yeah, I guess so,let me see your schedule"

"We have a different first period but we have most of our classes together"


We go our separate ways and I begin to speed walk to class because I'm not trying to be late on the first day. As I'm walking I run into this boy who was walking and talking to his friends.

"Watch where you're walking, you're gonna make me late to class" I say picking up my books and getting up

"You ran into me, you need to be the one watching where you're walking"

"Whatever" I say dusting off my jeans

"Hey Marcus, we gotta go" his friend says tapping him

"Alright let's go bro"

Ugh I can't stand him already

Okay so this is just a trial run for this book! The idea popped into my head and I thought I would try it out. Please let me know how you're feeling about this so that I can know if I'll continue. Thank you!

Unexpected Attractionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें