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Diing Diing Dinng

The second bell for 1st period rang and I was still on my way walking to class thanks to that jerk Marcus who ran into me on my way to class.

I finally get to 1st period and I push down on the handle but it's locked. I begin to knock on the door so that I can get in but I see people just look at me and look away.

"Wow that's how it is" I mumbled

I continue to knock on the door until the teacher looks my way and comes to open the door.

"Hi" I said shyly knowing I was late

"Well Hello, class you see here we have our first tardy student. Can you please tell your name and why you're late to my class today"

"Well I'm Syke...Skye Davis,and i'm late because on my way here this guy bumped into me causing me to fall and drop all my books"

"Oh so you're using the bumped into me excuse"


"You're dismissed Ms.Davis. Take a seat,and I'll talk to you after class"

I just walked away to the first empty desk and rolled my eyes. My first day went so downhill so quickly.

"Okay class as I was saying before I was interrupted, My name is Mr.Harris ,and this class is Honors Trigonometry so I hope you are prepared for a challenging year!"

The class went by relatively quickly,it was mostly us learning about what the class would be about,introducing ourselves,and getting comfortable around each other.

Diing Diing Diing

After hearing the bell I grab my backpack and try to make my way out of the door.

"Ms.Davis where are you going? I remember telling you that we would talk after class"

I slowly turned around and walked back over to Mr.Harris' desk

"I don't like children being late to my class Ms.Davis. I put a lot of thought into my lesson plans for this class,and I find it disrespectful that you come here on your own time. This class has a start time and a finish time so if you want to avoid this and leave at the assigned finished time,I suggest you get to my class on time. Is that clear Ms.Davis?"

"Yes Mr.Harris. I apologize for being late to your class,and it won't happen again" I give him a slight smile and turn around to go to my next class.

Just as I'm walking into my next class the second bell rings and I'm just thankful that I was on time to this class. I look around the classroom to find that there is only one open seat and it's at the same table as Marcus and his friends.

"You have got to be kidding me" I mumbled to myself

"Hey, you're the girl who ran into me in the hallway today"

" 1. You ran into me and 2. You made me late to class today so thanks" I said rolling my eyes

"Hey! It's not my fault you ran into me. I know you saw me coming down the hallway"

"Nigga if I ran into you then how did I end up being the one who fell?"

"Cause you're smaller than me" he shrugged and took a bite out of his strawberry

"Despicable" I whispered to myself

"Anyway, what's your name shorty?"

"That's none of your concern...Marcus"

"Look SHORTY, I don't like you any more than you like me but we're stuck at a table together so we're kind of forced to talk. If you don't want to be called shorty then shouldn't you at least tell me your name"

I realized he was right and sat there with my arms crossed

"My name is Skye" I said in defeat

"Okay class settle down! Welcome to honors English III. This is your A period so I will see each one of you beautiful faces everyday"

The teacher said more stuff after that but I was stuck on the fact that she just said that I'll be in here everyday. I have to sit at a table with Marcus everyday?

"I'm giving you an assignment that will be due in 3 weeks. I advise you not to procrastinate on it. Whoever is sitting directly across from you will be your partner"

I look across from me and to make matters worse it's Marcus.

"Of course" I mumble

"For your assignment, I want you to choose a short story to focus in on. You're gonna make a video to recreate that short story and you're also gonna write a report on how the author uses literary devices in order to prove the theme of the short story"

I really do not feel like doing this especially with Marcus. I can tell he's the type of person who pushes the work on others,and gets good grades without doing any of the work. I'm actually fine with doing all the work as long as I don't have to work with Marcus.

"Look Marcus, i'll do all the work,just don't talk to me or communicate with me about the project. I know you probably weren't going to do any of it anyway but I'm just making everything clear"

"Look Skye. I don't know who you think you are, walking in here thinking you know me but you don't know anything about me. I actually do my work and care about my academics. You're not doing this whole thing alone and you couldn't if you wanted to. Didn't you hear her say we have to recreate the short story into a video. I don't want to work with you either but I'm going to do what needs to be done"

Dang why is he always right?

"Fine,but after this I don't want to be bothered with you"

"I don't want to be bothered with you either with ya little attitude"

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I've had enough of him for one day

"Keep rolling your eyes and they gon get stuck"

Okay so that's the end of chapter 2! I hope y'all enjoyed this. Don't forget to Comment and vote. Let me know how you feel about Skye and Marcus and how you think the project will turn out! Oh and did y'all notice the cover change ?🌚

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