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I got out of the bed and went downstairs. As soon as I went around the corner of the stairs I saw someone standing there who I wasn't expecting to see for a while.

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here, I told you I was going to try to get here as fast as possible"

"Ho-how did you get here?"

"I had my company's plane fly me out here. I have to go back out to my business trip but I wanted to see my daughter in person on her first day of junior year. Even though it's late. Why are you standing there come give your dad a hug"

I walked over to give him a hug but as I was walking over to my dad, I noticed my mom. She had become tense and had a fake smile on her face.

My mom might get on my last nerve, but I refuse to let anyone hurt her or make her uncomfortable in her own house.

I gave my dad a short hug and a slight smile,in which he returned.

"Oouu I smell steak and potatoes maybe I should jo—"

"NO" I said interrupted his sentence "Airi is upstairs and I don't think mom made enough to split between 4 people" I said slightly shrugging my shoulders

"Oh well I probably need to get to bed anyway, I have to go back out to Vegas pretty early so I'll see you girls soon" he said leaving out the door.

It kind of seemed like I hurt his feelings which I do feel bad about because he's my dad,but I don't want my mom to feel uncomfortable.

"Okay bye dad"

He nodded his head with the hurt smile on his face as he closed the door.

"Dad" I called out

He stopped and looked at me indicating that I had his attention.

"I love you" I said with a slight smile

"I love you too Skye" he said before closing the door

"Let's eat" my mom said trying to help change the topic.

Part of my always wondered what always made my mom so tense and nervous when my dad came around.


"Okay class,you have the entire period today to work on your projects. I suggest that you at least get your short stories picked by the end of this class period" The teacher said before walking over to her desk

"Give me your phone" I said before huffing

"What do you need my phone for?" Marcus said in an almost irritated tone

"Don't give me that attitude" I said before rolling my eyes "I'm not tryna do nothing with your lil phone but put my number in so that we can get this project over with. And after we finish this project my number better be deleted."

"You say that like I actually want to talk to you." He said before handing me his phone. "And just a piece of advice, no one likes to be around stuck up girls. That's why you only have that one little best friend who talks about you on the low herself."

"Wha-what are you talking about?" I said kind of hurt by what he said. I couldn't believe that Airi could've been talking about me

He chuckled "Oh you don't know? She's basically been telling people how you've liked that Aaron Morris nigga for the longest, yet still can't talk to him"

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I sucked them back in. I can't let myself cry especially in front of him. I'm sure he loves to see me upset,and I refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing he bothered me.

I simply shrugged and finished typing my number in his phone before handing it back to him. "You ready to get started on looking for a short story?" I said looking at him with a smirk.

He cleared his throat before looking back at me with eyes of determination. But the question is

Does his determination have something to do with me or the project

"Yup let's do it"

After spending the entire period looking online for a short story,and plenty of arguments because there was always a story one wanted to do,but the other didn't, we decided on focusing on the short story Story of an Hour.

It was the story both of us were in the middle on so it was the best decision since we couldn't agree on any of the other stories.

Riing Riing

The bell rang and I headed straight up to lunch considering the information I just received from one of the people I like the least. I still couldn't believe that the person I trusted with basically everything had been talking about me behind my back.

"Hey Aaron" I said with a smile

"Wassup Skye" he said smiling back at me

I sat my tray down and took the seat that was sitting next to him.

"How's everything going with you A?"

"It's going fine, I'm tired of school but I'm doing this for my mom. I really wanna make her proud after all she's done for me ya know?"

"Awwnn that's so sweet. Yeah I get it, I feel the same way with my mom. I wanna do everything I can to make her proud and protect her."

"Yeah, I dare a nigga to try my mama. He getting all the smoke. Ion play about my ma"

"I know your mom is so happy to have you as her son." I said with a small smile before biting into my chicken nugget

"I hope so" he said with a small laugh

I put the part of my chicken nugget down before saying something else to him.

"So tell me more about yourself"

"Maybe you should go on a date with me and we can learn more about each other then" he said with a smirk before looking me up and down "How about we go to the movies Friday night"

"Okay" I said biting my lip

I got up to throw my tray away so that I could celebrate without Aaron seeing me. As long as I've liked him, he actually just asked me out on a date.

When I looked up I saw Airi walking towards me and my mood was almost immediately blown.

"Did I just see you talking to—"

"Why are you talking to me?"

"Um because you're my best friend" she said laughing

"Correction,I was your best friend. I was your best friend until I found out from Marcus that you've been talking about me behind my back. Do you have any idea how that felt? To find out that my best friend is talking about me behind my back from one of the people I like the least?"

"What are you talking about?"

"He told me you've been talking about me and how I've liked Aaron for years but can't even hold a conversation with him"

"The only person I said that to was...ohh"

"Was who?"

"Me and Ty have been talking to him for a while and I was honestly just venting to him not even thinking about the fact that he's friends with Marcus. I just wanted you to speak up for yourself with him Skye. I didn't mean to harm you by it"

"It's too late for that Airi" I said before walking away.

She might not have let it out on purpose but that was stuff I talked to her about as my best friend. I clearly can't trust her now.

Okay so this chapter was trash but it's whatever. I've been trying to write a new chapter for this book for a while but the struggle is real. I hope y'all enjoyed this and don't forget to vote,comment,and all that jazz 🤪

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