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"Hold up, so telling me that Marcus Simmons, basketball captain Marcus Simmons asked you on a date?" Yeri asked excitedly

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"Hold up, so telling me that Marcus Simmons, basketball captain Marcus Simmons asked you on a date?" Yeri asked excitedly

"Yes that Marcus" I laughed

"Eeeee" Yeri squealed "wait...I thought you didn't like Marcus" she lifted an eyebrow

"I didn't but I guess my feelings just changed. He's showing me a different side of him." I moved a piece of hair behind my ear.

I know how Marcus can be, just earlier he had me crying in the bathroom, but I feel like he has a whole other side of him and I'm curious about it. Plus, maybe if I go out with him today it'll help me to get him out of my mind.

"Let me do your hair" Yeri said still excited that I had a date with Marcus.

"Okay"I laughed

T E X T  M E S S A G E

Marcus🙄: I'll pick you up at 7

Me: I thought I told you to delete my number after the project was over🤔

Marcus🙄: You know you love me having your number 😂

Me: Maybe👀

Marcus🙄: You know that maybe is a Yes. Don't front😂

Me: I'm about to delete your number if you keep playing with me😂

Marcus🙄: do it and see what happen

Me: Umm I'm sorry who is this?

Marcus🙄: Bet💀

After I saw Marcus' text, I laughed and put my phone on to the wireless charger that I had set up in my room. It was only 4:45,so I had about 2 hours to get started on my homework before it was time to get ready.

I went over to my bookbag, and pulled out my English homework. Since me and Marcus finished our project early, my English teacher gave us the next assignment we'd have to do. I worked on it for about 30 minutes before I finished it.

Since I had an hour and a half left before I had to get ready, I decided I deserved a nap. I set an alarm in my phone to wake me up at 6:30, and I drifted off to sleep.

Ding ding ding

My alarm rang loudly waking me up. I got up, freshened up then threw my outfit on. It was simple yet cute and I was happy with how it looked.

"Yeri you can come do my hair now!" I yelled down the stairs. Immediately after I heard shuffling and Yeri appeared right in front of me.

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