chapter two

376 38 13

3:19 PM

As soon as Donghyuck started worrying that maybe Mark wasn't into guys, that maybe he'd already overstepped a boundary, that maybe the rest of the plane ride would be destined silence, the flight attendant cleared her throat on the speaker. The two boys stopped and listened.

"I regret to inform you that we will not be able to get you to your destination of Vancouver today."

A gathered amount of sighs and grunts erupted from the passengers, including Mark and Donghyuck.

"But, if interested we will be able to fly you nearby to Seattle and offer a free layover so you can get on a second flight tomorrow."

Donghyuck was down to do that, as he just wanted to get there and didn't really have a strict time limit. Plus, he'd be able to go into a new place, even if for half a day, and that always was right up his alley.

"Make your way to the back of the aircraft now for that deal. The other option is to find a direct flight tomorrow, but the rain isn't on your side."

Donghyuck started to pack his bag together and collect his items when he noticed Mark's knee was shaking all over again.

"Are you going?" He asked Donghyuck.

"Yeah, I think I am. You?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I'm unsure of how all this stuff works." His hand was placed on his lap and was tapping his leg again.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot it's your first flight. Don't worry. If you want to stay here and catch one flight tomorrow that might be easiest for you since it'll only be one plane ride." Donghyuck explained, a bit in a rush because he wanted to talk to the flight attendant. "The only downside is that this airport doesn't have a hotel so you'd need to buy that separately. Which is exactly why I'm taking her deal and doing two flights. I don't have the type of money to buy a hotel myself."

"Oh. I still don't know. How do you know so much about this?" Mark asked.

"Let's just say I travel a lot. I don't want to rush you, but I kinda need to. She might not have a lot of space on the next flight."

"To be honest, I don't think I can survive a plane ride without you. I'll join." Mark answered, almost unsure of himself, but hurriedly packing up his stuff.

Donghyuck, body once again heating up, could only give Mark a simple thumbs up in fear of accidentally revealing the blush cascading across his cheeks.

They talked to the lady at the back and she secured them two seats to Seattle. From there, they'd spend one night in the hotel provided free of cost, and then hop on another plane into Vancouver. Donghyuck was ecstatic on the inside, calm and collected and a bit laid back on the outside. He'd never flown with a buddy before.

The only downside was that the flight to Seattle was leaving in less than ten minutes. A handful of other passengers were also taking the offer with them, and so they'd all need to make a mad dash across the airport.

Bursting through the gate doors, Donghyuck led the way. Unfortunately, Mark had brought a suitcase unlike Donghyuck who just had a backpack. It slowed him down. The both of them were determined to make it however.

Donghyuck realized he hadn't eaten in a couple hours as they passed Pop Eyes' and McDonald's and Buffalo Wild Wings and his stomach grew hungrier. They couldn't stop for food.

Originally just in a speed walk, Mark informed Donghyuck that they only had 5 minutes left.

"Are you saying we sprint?"

"I don't know, you're the airport master here." Mark shrugged, picking up his pace a little to stand next to Donghyuck.

"Alright then. We're gonna look crazy, but at least we'll make the flight, right?"

And with that, they took off running towards the gate. A couple of elderly groups slowed them down along the way, but the two of them weren't afraid to push and shove.

I'm kidding.


Okay, there was one old man who was taking his sweet time walking and maybe Donghyuck brushed up against his shoulder a bit, but hey he really didn't wanna miss his flight. Partly because of money. Mostly because of Mark. Completely because of Mark.

They spotted the gate at the very end of a long hallway flooded with crowds.

"I don't think I can run through this, Donghyuck." Mark exclaimed, referring to his suitcase.

"C'mon." Donghyuck replied and held out his hand for Mark. He hadn't really thought through the action, unlike literally every other move he's made as of the past hour.

Mark was a bit confused at first, but went along anyway and took Donghyuck's hand. He flashed a small (almost apologetic?) smile towards Donghyuck's way and they continued on.

Donghyuck practically pulled Mark through the crowds, yelling numerous excuse me's and sorry's along the way.

They finally reached the gate and quite literally threw their boarding tickets to the lady. She quickly scanned them and tossed the two boys aboard. Donghyuck fixed his hair a bit while running down the way to the plane hopping Mark wouldn't notice.

They both made their way towards the back of the aircraft, bumping into numerous elbows along the way. The plane was completely packed and Donghyuck saw even a few babies. Just ahead was his seat number but before he got to it, Mark stopped abruptly.

"Oh. This is my seat." He said pointing to a seat not next to Donghyuck's.

"Oh." Donghyuck replied. He didn't think that they'd be split up. He didn't think he'd care that much.

Just as he was accepting it, accepting that this is where their paths would separate, that this was the last time he'd interact with the airplane cutie, Mark glanced back at Donghyuck worryingly.

Donghyuck felt a need to be there for Mark. To his own surprise, he then interrupted Mark moving into the aisle to talk to the lady next to his seat.

"Excuse me, would you mind switching seats with me so I could sit next to my friend? I'm just back a couple rows in 36 C."

Fortunately, making Donghyuck's stomach flutter, she agreed and the duo were able to sit next to each other.

It was crazy how fast Donghyuck decided he was gonna risk it all for Mark. Okay, not all, but some and that was enough for now.

Mark seemed to feel the same way. "Thanks, Donghyuck. I just, I really don't wanna be alone on a plane ride and you've already been able to calm me down."

"No worries. I've never travelled with someone else before so it's kinda fun for me too." Donghyuck replied honestly as he was replaying Mark saying his name back and forth in his mind until the plane jerked into motion.

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