chapter five

369 33 20

8:12 PM

Donghyuck didn't remember falling asleep. He reached up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked to his left to see a passed out Mark leaning against the window. Outside it was pitch black and the cabin lights, as they were off, made the entire airplane very quiet and peaceful for once. He felt like the only one awake.

Donghyuck didn't remember asking the flight attendant for a blanket, but there it was draped over his lap. Mark didn't have one, so he took the blanket and moved it over onto Mark. He gently, trying not to wake the older, pulled the blanket up over his arms.

Unlike Donghyuck, Mark was dumb and wasn't wearing a jacket or anything. Donghyuck was wearing his favorite peach-colored sweatshirt that was a bit too large for him, but he liked it that way. Mark's black T-shirt didn't provide half as much warmth.

Donghyuck favored the momentary silence and unplugged in his earbuds from the television and into his phone. He put his favorite playlist on shuffle and scrolled Twitter to see if he missed anything important. The airplane wifi was weak.

"We are now beginning our descent into Seattle. Approximately 20 minutes until landing."

Donghyuck probably should've woken up Mark at that time, but he wasn't quite ready to face the older boy at this moment. Instead he took one of the watermelon gum slices and popped it into his mouth.

Since airport bathrooms are almost always crowded, Donghyuck decided to go now before it was too late. He set his phone down, saw the bathroom light show that it was open, and left.

He splashed water on his face in an attempt to freshen up as much as he could. Airplanes always made his complexion look dead. His eyes had bags underneath them, but they were slowly growing less and less noticeable. His hair, currently a light and fluffy brown, was all pushed askew, just how he liked it. Donghyuck spit out his gum in the trash before returning. He didn't want Mark to know that he'd cave and tried it.

Speak of the devil himself, Mark's eyes watched Donghyuck return and they both smiled at each other like a newlywed couple.

"Sleep well?" Donghyuck asked first.

"Don't even remember dozing off if I'm being honest here."

"Me too. Did we even finish the movie?" Donghyuck laughed and pushed his phone and earbuds into his bag. He started to pack up.

"Not that I remember. By the way, is the hotel far?" Mark asked.

"Oh, I'm not really sure actually, but a simple bus ride should be enough. We're landing shortly." Donghyuck looked past Mark out the window. The little lights from buildings that flowed out in the dark landscape below them grew more and more and the plane descended.

Mark, suddenly remembering his panic from earlier, slithered his hand down to clasp with Donghyuck's, which was rested on his own lap. He gave a shy smile and closed his eyes. With Mark's head leaning back, Donghyuck took a moment, just a moment, to take a mental picture of it to try to cherish their time together.

They heard the plane's landing gear open up and then just enjoyed the silence before the landing. It wasn't anything Donghyuck hadn't experienced before, but to Mark the stopping of the airplane seemed to be quite scary. When they finally pulled up the gate, the two were prepared to hop off the plane before everyone else.

They thanked the flight attendant and pilot on their way out, something Donghyuck was happy to do, and made their way out to the bus. The airport was full of people running left and right and others stopped right in the middle of the rush. Unlike before, the duo weren't in that much of a rush. Donghyuck was leading the way again, so he looked back to make sure the older boy was behind him. Mark didn't look tired one bit which made Donghyuck a little jealous. His hair was combed back revealing his forehead and once again Donghyuck's eyes caught Mark's long eyelashes. Goddamnit, he needed to stop.

On the bus, Donghyuck really wanted to talk to Mark. Once again, he didn't know what he wanted to talk about, but he just wanted to hear Mark speak. His mind was a mess.

Unfortunately, for Donghyuck, Mark was on the phone talking to his family about the trip updates and delays. While he tried not to listen in, it was hard not to.

"Yes, Mom, Yes, I'm fine, I'm safe." Mark said to the person on the other end. "Don't worry about me. I made a friend," There was a pause before he continued. "Yeah he's helped me survive my first plane ride." Mark laughed and looked at Donghyuck, who was sitting across from him. "No, Yes, Mhm, I promise I'll call you later. The dog? No. Yes. I love you. Bye." Mark was hanging up the call as the bus arrived at the hotel. The younger boy reflected on his own phone call with his Mom. He wished it went like that.

Donghyuck was quick to jump on the free opening. "You have a dog?"

"You were listening?" Mark squinted his eyes. Donghyuck just shrugged.

"You talk loud."

"Yes, I have a basset hound. His name is Kram." Mark said smiling and picking up his suitcase to carry off and inside.

"Kram. C-R-A-M?" Donghyuck asked.

"K-R-A-M." Mark corrected proudly.

"You didn't." The younger feigned a shocked look to Mark as they exited the bus finally.

"I did." He smiled under the dimly lit sidewalk. They strolled up and into the air conditioned hotel lobby.

"Why does that not even surprise me?" Donghyuck said laughing. He barely knew Mark, but Mark was definitely the type of person to name his dog his own name spelled backwards. Cute.

Donghyuck spotted a vending machine with water in it so he told Mark to go ahead and get in the reservations line while he got a bottle. He had to dig through his bag to find a five dollar bill so it took a few minutes. Finally, after getting his water bottle, he turned around to see Mark standing there with two room keys.

"Hm?" Donghyuck hummed in a bit of confusion.

"I told them we'd share one room. Is that okay with you?" Mark asked, a bit shy and a blush on the tips of his ears.

Donghyuck had not expected them to share a room whatsoever. It wasn't on his radar at all. He just stood there, with the water in his hand, looking at the room keys with Mark.

"I'm sorry, I'll just go tell them to get me a separate room." Mark apologized shyly and turned around.

"No. I'd love to share a room with you, Mark." Donghyuck piped up, remembering how to speak again. Mark turned around and shared a smile, handing over the key and pointing to the elevators.

The poster in the elevator said that the hotel had, not only a pool, but a spa as well. Donghyuck pointed that out to Mark in hopes of going in the morning. Nothing like a spa day.

Especially one that would calm the butterflies in his stomach which, at the moment, could not be still.

Donghyuck needed to take lead for once, so he decided to speak up. "I like your hair. Your shoes are pretty cool as well. Do you think investing in a jacket is in your future though? The black T-shirt look is working, but not practical for air conditioned planes, Mark."

Mark widened his eyes with a slight smile curling on his lips. "Hey, I brought a blanket. You needed it more though. For comfort, not temperature."

Donghyuck did not know that it was Mark who covered him up while he was sleeping on the plane. He smiled to himself.

"Nah, I have the best sweatshirt in the world. Maybe you could borrow it next time." Donghyuck teased, wrapping his arms around himself. The elevator chimed to tell them they reached the floor.

"What's it made out of?" Mark asked, catching the younger off guard.

Donghyuck shrugged and turned left down the hall. Mark was behind him at the elevator still.

"Hopefully boyfriend material." Mark said, smiling to himself and walking right, the opposite of Donghyuck. Donghyuck, frustratingly blushing, turned around and ran to catch up to Mark, who was going the correct way to the room. 

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