chapter ten

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10:09 AM

To his surprise, Donghyuck was first to awaken in the morning. Mark's arms were still wrapped around him, and he didn't wanna disturb the older boy, but he needed to use the bathroom.

As quietly as possible he stood up and left the bed.

When he crept back into the room, he was happy to see Mark still dozed off. Donghyuck smiled to himself. Mark's hair was all dry now, but messed up the same as he loved. Mark's t-shirt this time was a lot looser, revealing some of his collarbone, which Donghyuck remembered he had the pleasure of seeing last night.

That sounded odd.

Moving on.

Donghyuck's smile didn't fade but it paused. He was so overjoyed to have met Mark. Not even for romance purposes, but just as in a friend. Someone to talk to.

He was going to miss Mark and he could somewhat accept that. Donghyuck could accept it, but he didn't know how that would change when they actually did split ways. Feeling a tear fight to fall down his cheek, he stopped his negative spiral of confusion and sat on the bed next to Mark.

Donghyuck let his hand glide over Mark's shoulder softly. He tenderly traced the side of the older's face until his hand reached Mark's lips. He leaned down and gifted the older a soft kiss hoping not to disturb him too much.

As Donghyuck moved back up, Mark pushed up forward and pulled Donghyuck back down to his lips. The younger let his hands roam into the other's hair, to hold onto and mess up even more. The room was filled with gasps for air from each of the boy's as their makeout session endured.

Their kisses now were filled with so much longing, so much meaning inside each one. The first of many to be an invitation, and now just enjoying the time while it lasts.

Donghyuck needed to get up and do something active before he got back on another airplane no matter how much he loved kissing Mark.

Mark eventually got them both up as he had to hop into the shower to get actually presentable for once he made it home.

Donghyuck had intended to go to the spa, but it seemed they'd spent too much time kissing and sleeping and only had less than an hour before they should be getting to the airport.

He'd always loved the airport. Love might be the wrong term here, but he didn't find airports stressful or really worrisome. The place felt calming to Donghyuck, as it'd lead him somewhere new away from someplace old.

Except now.

The entire bus ride to the airport they sat quiet, uneasy and nervous for once. Donghyuck secretly wished that their flight would be delayed or cancelled or anything to give him more time with Mark, but reaching the gate it appeared that was not going to happen. In less than two hours, as it was a short flight, he'd be alone again.

Mark, looking down at his watch which he must've recently put on, read out the time to them.

1:10 PM

"Flight leaves in ten minutes." He said.

"Yeah." Donghyuck replied.

Entering the plane together for the second time was a bit different as they weren't in a rush. Donghyuck noticed all the joyful passengers this time. The ones probably going off on vacation or to visit family or so move away. He also noticed the grumpy passengers. Maybe they were just tired like him, or maybe they were also leaving paradise.

Donghyuck and Mark didn't have to ask someone to move this time as their seats were next to each other.

"Can I have the window this time, please?" Donghyuck pouted before they sat down.

"Only if you give me a kiss." Mark responded cheekily. Donghyuck quickly kissed the older's cheek and then took his place next to the window. Mark didn't seem as scared for take off this time. They both listened to Exo as the plane took flight and it seemed to do the trick.

"About one of our conversations earlier..." Mark began to say. "The one about my uncle. He actually isn't doing well." Mark looked past Donghyuck out the window. "He passed away a week ago."

"Mark, I'm so sorry." Donghyuck quickly comforted, taking the older's hand and rubbing his thumb on Mark's palm softly.

"I was in denial. I didn't wanna believe it happened, I think? I wasn't even that close with him but I feel so broken up over it." Mark shared. "I don't mean to put this on you, I just needed to tell the truth for my own sake."

"No worries, Mark. I haven't had to deal with death before, but I can provide a shoulder for you to lean on if you want." Donghyuck lifted the bar in between them and scooted closer.

"Thank you. Are you going to be okay?" He asked softly.

"Are you?"

"Yeah, I think I will be."

"Me too. I don't have a job though, that's a bit rough. But I can manage, right? I think I'll talk to my sisters maybe. If I don't like it in Canada, which is hard to think about considering the guy of my dreams is from Canada, but if I don't like it I'm considering Greece. Doesn't that sound nice?" Donghyuck openly shared, rambling on as the both of them really weren't in proper mind states to hold a working conversation.

Mark laughed, "Guy of my dreams," He imitated.

"Hey!" Donghyuck playfully hit Mark on the arm. "You are."

"I'm the only guy in your dreams, Donghyuck."

"Rude." Donghyuck felt offended Mark didn't think he meant as much as he did to the younger.

"I'm just saying, you've never been with anyone else. How do you know I'm the one? How do you know I'm not like every other possible relationship?" Mark questioned.

"Because you're just not. You're scared of airplanes which is extremely attractive oddly enough, you have a silly dog with a silly name, you know how to stay the right things, you know how to make fun of me correctly, you calmed me down several times, you're a good pillow, and most importantly your clothes are soft. If that's not the guy in my dreams then I don't know who he is." Donghyuck confessed. He didn't feel as nervous to say all that anymore. It was true anyway.

"Oh." Mark's ears burned that same bright red. "I don't know what to say." He smiled gently. "What are we doing?" He asked seriously, changing the atmosphere. Donghyuck's heart hurt a bit that Mark didn't say anything about him back.

"What do you wanna be doing?" Donghyuck replied innocently.

"I don't know. I..."

"We are now beginning our descent into Vancouver. Approximately 10 minutes until landing."

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