chapter six

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They reached the room seconds later and Donghyuck had to say something. What they were indulging in was dangerous.

"Mark." He said, getting the older's attention. Mark raised an eyebrow to show he was listening. "What are we doing?"

Mark paused as he was opening the room to look Donghyuck in the eyes. "What do you want to be doing?"

"Can I kiss you?" Donghyuck asked, his entire body nervously hot and goosebumps glittering against the skin on his arms. His backpack was still hanging off the edge of his shoulder as they were standing in the doorway to the room. The rest of the hotel floor was empty.

Mark's eyelashes fluttered a little bit, Donghyuck noticed. His ears once more burned a bright red blush. "Okay."

Donghyuck had expected that answer, but at the same time had no clue what to do with it. So he kissed Mark.

It wasn't long, it wasn't perfect. He snaked his arms around Mark's neck, pulled him closer, shut his eyes and with his thumbs on the sides of the older's face, pressed their lips together gently. Mark kissed back a little less gently, which satisfied the butterflies in Donghyuck's stomach.

They parted, watching each other with the same passion.


Donghyuck abruptly removed himself from Mark and strode into the room. He tossed his bag down on the chair and, discovering there was a balcony, opened it up and sat on one of the chairs provided. He didn't look back to see Mark. It wasn't comfortable at all out there and the humidity of the air made his hair wanna go crazy. Donghyuck stared out into the night sky, it wasn't that pretty of a view with clouds blocking the starlight, but it was enough to settle Donghyuck down.

He didn't wanna look at Mark anymore. He wanted to forget Mark, forget the attraction, forget the kiss. Forget Mark's stupid handsome face and stupid cute puns. Donghyuck felt his eyes water up, but he wiped them clear of tears. He was more afraid than sad.

Moments later, as Donghyuck expected but hated, Mark softly knocked on the glass door.

"No." Donghyuck replied back, but Mark couldn't hear him. Donghyuck couldn't keep him back forever. His escape plan hadn't exactly been clever. He heard the door slide open and felt Mark walk up behind him. He felt the pressure of Mark's hands resting on the back of the chair, so Donghyuck leaned forward and pressed his own chin on the railing to move away.

"I'm sorry." Mark said softly, just as he had done in the hotel lobby a few minutes ago.

"You're a thief." Donghyuck grunted.

"What?" Mark questioned, hiding a small laugh in his voice.

Donghyuck, deciding he was prepared enough, turned back around to look at the boy behind him. It was too dark to really see any of Mark's features. "You stole my first kiss." He scoffed.

"You kissed me." Mark smirked back.

"I- It doesn't matter. You were my first kiss and you're leaving me."

"Oh." Mark said, realizing why the younger was mad. "I was your first kiss?" His voice raised up at the end of the question.

"Yes. I've never even had someone like me back before." Donghyuck admitted. He wanted to run away, but at the same time he had to stay.

"Who said I liked you back?" Mark teased.

"Shut up." Donghyuck replied as he faced back around to the night scene in front of him.

"You're right though. We're separating. I don't know where you're going but we don't have to worry about that now, Donghyuck." Mark sighed and crouched down next to the chair.

"Stop saying my name, it makes me like you more" Donghyuck blushed, giving into Mark's advice to not worry as best he could. It still loomed over them, the fact that in a day's time they'd be apart.

"Donghyuck, Donghyuck, Donghyuck, Donghyuck Do-" Mark started to tease but said boy cut him off with a second kiss.

This time it was a bit more rushed as he didn't know how much longer they'd have. He felt as though Mark would just vanish any second. Donghyuck felt his own hands reach the back of Mark's hair. He wanted to mess it all up, so he did.

"Hey." Mark said, breaking the kiss.

"I don't know what you look like with messy hair." Donghyuck pouted and defended.

"Fine, continue." And with that Donghyuck took both his hands and fluffed the older boy's hair around until it flopped everywhere. He stopped to admire Mark in the dim light they had. "C'mon, let's go inside."

The two of them took turns using the small bathroom to brush their teeth and etc. to prepare for bed. After being on the plane all day, regardless of how much you slept, it was impossible not to be tired after. Donghyuck took the opportunity and took a quick shower.

He tried his best to clear his mind, to just breathe a bit. Him and Mark were moving so fast. It's not that he wasn't ready to, he was, he knew he and Mark were on the same wavelength and he knew he liked the other boy. He'd been ready for it for long enough. Crushing on countless classmates and not being able to do anything about it in fear of being made fun of. Not wanting anyone to know he liked boys.

But, Donghyuck knew Mark wasn't reliable to get all tangled up in. Mark was just some boy who'd be going back home to his caring, loving family with his cute dog and from there he'd just move on, maybe he'd go to college and start his real life. Maybe Mark would just find another person to get into a relationship with, someone who would be there for him. Someone he could get to know.

Falling in anymore than he already was is what Donghyuck was afraid of. He didn't wanna hurt his heart more than it is.

Donghyuck stepped out of the shower and stared at himself in the mirror for a minute.

"It's okay. Enjoy right now." He told himself quietly and went back out into the room.

There were two beds in the hotel room, but that didn't stop them from arguing over which one to sleep in.

"You take the one by the window, I don't like the sun waking me up in the morning." Donghyuck complained.

"What if I don't want the sun waking me up either." Mark complained back.

"Then I'll be your sun and wake you up." Donghyuck said, sitting down on the bed he wanted. Mark gave up and sat down on the one by the window.

While the both of them wanted to talk more, they were exhausted and decided just to turn off the light and go to sleep.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long. 

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