chapter four

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"I don't want to overstep my boundaries," Donghyuck started to say. It was a tiny risk he was willing to take, to ask about it, but he needed to. "But you're the first person I've met who I can properly talk to about this type of stuff."

"Go on." Mark nudged.

"How did you know? That you weren't straight, I mean." Donghyuck was a bit embarrassed for no good reason so he covered part of his face with his sweater paw-ed hand.

"Ah, good question. There's a lot I still don't know about myself, let me make that clear." Mark began. Donghyuck was so happy that he was answering.

Mark told a few stories to Donghyuck. He didn't have much time to eat the popcorn due to him talking so the younger stole most of it.

The first story was about his first girlfriend. How they met at recess and he kissed her under the slide once. He said they never really dated but he still considers her special for taking his kiss virginity. The second was of his first real relationship, or as real as one could be in ninth grade. They went on four dates, Mark said. He briefly covered the next two girls he had things with.

"I first noticed that maybe I didn't only like girls when I started feeling those same crush feelings towards this new boy at my school. I was terrified, well maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I was spooked. I didn't know what to do or how to handle anything. I felt an urge to get to know him and I wanted to hold his hand. I know, it's cringy, but it's the truth." Mark paused to eat some popcorn so Donghyuck personally evaluated to himself that he was feeling the same way Mark just described towards Mark and that it was dangerous. "I learned all I could about him. His name was Adrien and he was the star soccer player at his old school. Eventually our paths collided and at the time everyone knew I was bi so he approached me about it and asked me out. My ego was pretty high that day. We went on a few dates, kissed, etc., but we both broke it off about a year ago."

"Wow, you sound..." Donghyuck tried to think of a word that wasn't 'player' but meant the same thing. "Experienced."

"I guess you could say that. I don't know, every relationship just sorta happened. How about you?"

"If you felt like a loser before, you're definitely gonna feel better after this." He took a deep breath. "I've never dated anyone. Or had anything like that." Donghyuck ate the last bit of Mark's popcorn.

"Really?" Mark said, widening his eyes.

"It's not obvious?" The younger felt flattered that he didn't come off as someone who was nineteen and hadn't kissed anyone.

"I mean you just come off as a confident person. You didn't hesitate to calm me down and we've already held hands in under two hours of knowing each other. I'm sorry if that offended you at all, some people aren't ready for a relationship and I get that." Mark said, avoiding eye contact.

"No, I'm glad I don't come off as a wimp." Donghyuck replied, avoiding talking about the first half of the sentence Mark said.

"You're not a wimp, Donghyuck. Plenty of people haven't dated lol."

"Did you just say lol?" The tanned-boy questioned.


"But it's an action not a word."

Mark laughed and continued, "Stop trying to change the conversation. I'm serious, don't get yourself down over that stuff."

"I don't get myself down over it, I just regret not, you know, coming out sooner."

"Oh." Mark stopped talking for a moment to think. "Was there an issue?" He asked, more quiet than before.

"Can we watch a movie?" Donghyuck said, pointing to the little televisions on the back of the seat in front of them, instead of answering. He'd spent a whole year forgetting that day and didn't wanna bring it back.

"Sure. You pick." Mark replied, easily moving on after understanding the younger didn't wanna share anymore.

They ended up going back and forth between like five different movies. Donghyuck was interested in a horror film, but Mark admitted he was too scared for that. Then they decided to watch a comedy, but it had a scene of an airplane crashing and Donghyuck quickly shut that one off for Mark's sake. They finally settled in on a children's movie, The Lion King.

The flight attendant came around with snacks so Donghyuck got a cookie, which Mark stole pieces of.

Donghyuck noticed Mark start to get emotional when, spoiler alert, Mufasa died. He reached into his bag, grabbed a tissue, and handed it to Mark. The older laughed but accepted the tissue.

The lights in the cabin were shut off so both the boys took that as the time to sit back and relax a little. Donghyuck sat with both legs up on the seat and Mark crossed his legs.

Even though it was only about 5 o'clock now, Donghyuck found himself incredibly tired. During the movie, he shyly leaned his head against the older's shoulder as it was so readily available and tempting. Mark didn't seem to mind as they watched the movie together sharing an ear bud each.

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