chapter 6

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Our spirits connected by a touch

Now we're stuck wondering why

The moment was enchanting

But was it mentor out and I?

Soft, luscious, and tender

How am I lost like this?

I'm drowning and suffocating

In shock and limitless bliss

From a time stopping kiss

Souls intertwined

Mixed emotions in a knot

Trapped in my mind

And to explain, I cann

You can say nothing happened

And in denial, you think it's wrong

But one thing prevails

Our emotions make a love song

Jacob looked up as he finished reciting his poetry assignment the homeroom teacher gave. The class was silent for they didn't expect such a creative and stunning piece of art. Especially out of a quiet and "shelled in" person. Jacob looked around and saw Chresanto staring at him. The words that's poured out of Jacob's heart and floated out of his mouth had seemed to have hypnotized Chresanto.

Mr. Wyatt: wow... that.. that was deep and amazing. Great job. Anyone else would like to go? Abybody? Okay well poetry is a great way to express what's on the inside.

The teacher's voice faded out as Jacob made his way to his seat in the back. He was attempting to cover his face to hide his feeling of utter shyness. That and Rayan was bound to ask what seemed like millions of questions.

Rayan: who'd you kiss?

Jacob: none of your business

Rayan: I'm tour best friend. You have to tell me everything. And I mean EVERYTHING

Jacob: sorry. This is one secret that you won't know. Now if you will excuse me-

Rayan: Jacob this once. I ain't gon ask one more gain.

Jacob: okay my country bumpkin of a friend. So this is what happened.... the bell rang that's what happened.

Rayan: wait which bell?

Jacob: this one

And with that said, the bell rang 3 seconds after. Jacob gathered his things and left the room with Rayan. The two went to their lockers to get their books does the next class. But there was a note on Jacob's. It read:

Such a cute story told in a few seconds. Sadly, there isn't anyone to fulfill your dream. Faggots can't find love. So die alone.


Jacob: boys will be boys. And retards, they'll just live their foolish lives not knowing why things can't be right for them

Rayan: oh well. Aye Jake gotta go. See you in lunch?

Jacob: sure thing. Later Ray

Jacob unlocked his locker and found yet another note. This one was a folded up  French pink piece of paper. The paper had a slight aroma of cologne that spelled Chresanto. This one read:

Come to my house after school. 3434 East Thatcher ave.


Jacob: what is he up to?

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