chapter 12

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Bahja:and.... and you didn't even call me to tell me where you were

Chresanto looked around and noticed Jacob was gone. Some of his tension was over, but now he has to hear Bahja crack the whip.

Bahja:are you listening?

Chresanto: yees

Bahja: no you're not. See this is why we have problems. You never listen to me

Chresanto: how to we have problems?

Bahja: you ask yourself that question. Better yet answer this one... where were you?

Chresanto: nowhere important

Bahja:I'm not playing.. tell me

Chresanto: it''s none of your business

Bahja:TELL ME!!! Don't tell me you're seeing someone else.

Chresanto: what are you talking about?

Bahja: why you got lipsti- oooh watch when I find out who that bitch is. I'm beating the shit out of her. And I'm getting my big hommie to get you too

Chresanto: you so fucking extra out. You ain't gonna give me a chance to talk

Bahja: cause all you gonna do is lie to cover up yo bullshit. Fuck you Chresanto

Chresanto: first off this is your lipstick from earlier today

Bahja: and I lost my lipstick too. That shit costed too much fucking money. You know what, I'm outta here. Talk to me when yo bitch ain't Whatcha want no more. All I know is I'm too much or you

Chresanto: what the Hell you mean by that

Bahja: you can't handle all this. You ain't got the balls

Chresanto got mad and pushed her out the way. Bahja squealed and strolled on clicking her heels. Chresanto found her lipstick in his pocket, and threw it at her

Chresanto:  there's yo fucking lipstick Bitch. Cheap ass shit.

Chresanto turned the other way to walk to his house and he left Bahja screaming at him about why he had her lipstick. It was about five minutes when he calmed down and looked around. He saw Jacob and Rayan walking so he felt the need to tag along.

Chresanto:  aye.. Jake wait up

Jacob: oh Hii Chres

Chresanto: Hii Jake. Waddup Ray

Rayan:Hii. So Jacob were still going to the movies tomorrow right?

Chresanto:ooh movies can i come along?


Jacob: sure. Jusy as long as you got sme money to buy snacks. And beware we're munchers

Chresanto: well i kinda alreadt know that

Rayan:how so?

Chresanto: oh I just do

Jacob: stalker much?

Chresanto: nah more like watching yall eat up all the food and then still ask for more

Jacob: hahaha fuck you bitch

Chresanto: what time?

Jacob: woah never that. Never ever ever

Chresanto winked at Jacob and expected Rayan not to notice, but he did. And he felt something in the pit of himself get a bit jealous about it too. He beckoned Jacob to the side so he can talk to him.

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