chapter 10

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Chresanto: so what time you want me to be there?

Jacob: around 7 will be good

Chresanto: okay. Then it's set. Tell your mom that she better put her skills to the test.

Jacob: ooh mama he callin you out. Show him you can cook a hell out of a turkey

Mama Perez: (backround) Well tell him to bring his eating pants and be prepared to eat until he goes Ka-Boom

Jacob: you hear that, you better watch out

Chresanto: no you needa watch out. Just make sure you got enough febreeze cause that pretty little bathroom of yours is gonna get blown up

Jacob: eew you nasty ass

Chresanto: I know I'm nasty. Cause I make you scream whenever I hit the right spots

Jacob:get out of here with that shit

Chresanto: hahaha. But aye I'll call you later. Okay?

Jacob: okay. Later Chres

Chresanto: see yah Jake

Chresanto hung up the conversation and layed on his bed letting out a big sigh like those when you have had a great day. These past days have been his best. He thought about how he used to make fun of little Jacob Perez that always sat in the back. He still felt a little regret about that, but it soon went away with the thought of them calling their truce. Now they're together and the best moments of their lives are just starting. But then something came in mind. How was he gonna get rid of Bahja? He doesn't feel anything towards her anymore since these past few months she been acting so secretive.

Chresanto: only people who know is me so I'm on my own. But I don't even know if this is what I want so I'll just keep her so I won't mess up my rep.

As much as he didn't wanna go out with her, he kept Bahja. Chresanto felt it was worse to have people find out and he lose all his "friends". He put that in the back if his mind and looked at the clock. 5:03. He wanted to get his outfit ready for Jacob's when Bahja called him. He sighed in slight frustration.

Chresanto: hello Bahja

Bahja: hi Chresanto. Aye my people's wanna meet you so I was thinking on having you come by dinner it's thanksgiving.

Chresanto: I would like to... but I got other things and I'm preoccupied

Bahja: I'm sure you can put them off until tomorrow

Chresanto: I can't

Bahja: And why not?

Chresanto: cause it's important to me

Bahja: and I'm not?

Chresanto: huh?

Bahja: man I swear you been acting like you don't love me anymore

Chresanto: no I do. It's just I been having some stuff going on lately

Bahja: yea you have so much stuff going on that you can't even say you love me. Or even show it

Chresanto: fine fine..... I'll go

Bahja: great see you at 7

Whoops. Two occasions at the same time. Chresanto is stuck. He thought about it for a long time and picked one: Bahja. He looked at the clock. 6:11. He slipped in the shower, got dressed and called Jacob.

Jacob: hola Chres

Chresanto: hi Jake

Jacob: what's wrong

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